If you shop Augusta Mall, beware. And Mall Security, GROW A PAIR - TopicsExpress


If you shop Augusta Mall, beware. And Mall Security, GROW A PAIR ! (Sent to me by Sherri, who went to AM yesterday with her college age daughter) Maggies first day back in Augusta after spending a semester at the University of Salamanca, Spain, we made a stop at Dillards at the Augusta Mall . (Mistake #1) While in the shoe department, Maggie was trying on shoes and she made the mistake of leaving her purse in her chair. (Mistake #2) Within minutes, a young woman sat in our space and asked the sales clerk to go to the back and get a shoe for her. We immediately approached the young woman and asked her to move from our space...she refused. At that moment, Maggie realized her purse was missing. Once again, we asked the girl to move so we could look for the purse. Reluctantly, she and her extremely large, bulging purse got out of the chair. I asked the girl if we could look in her purse to see the contents. As you can imagine, she bristled and started threatening us. I should have grabbed the bag. (Mistake #3- I will blame my Southern upbringing on that one) Thankfully, the Security camera videoed her putting something in her purse, so the Dillards security approached the girl immediately. I thought the Calvary had arrived! Little did I know, Dillards security has no authority whatsoever. I should have pulled out my phone and taken a picture of the girl and video taped what happened next. (Mistake #4) The young woman knew she didnt have to go with mall security. She screamed that she was under age and he couldnt make her go to the security room, she ran out the door, she jumped into a car in the parking lot and rode away. Mall security didnt even get a license plate number. The Dillards security called Mall Security and the Mall security called the Richmond County Sheriffs Department. One hour and 15 minutes later, a deputy showed up. He said there were three calls within a 30 minute period of thefts at the Mall! Really? With that many crimes at the Mall in the middle of the day on a Thursday, there are no deputies on duty at the Mall? Really? FACEBOOK FRIENDS BEWARE!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:22:21 +0000

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