If you supported Chris McDaniel and were sickened by the tactics - TopicsExpress


If you supported Chris McDaniel and were sickened by the tactics of the June 24th run-off, please take the time to read about voting for Travis Childers: To his credit, Childers considers himself a “blue dog” conservative Democrat, and has taken hard positions that are to the right of Thad Cochran on a few big issues. He backs a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, which the freewheeling, spendthrift Cochran won’t support, and he signed the same pledge as Chris McDaniel promising never to support amnesty for illegals. And for the record, Cochran has voted for amnesty in the past and will do so again, just like his cronies at the liberal US Chamber of Commerce want him to. That’s why he won’t sign an anti-amnesty pledge. So a vote for Childers is not necessarily a liberal vote. In fact, it can be argued that Cochran is more liberal than Childers on several issues. As for the whole re-taking the Senate argument, what does that matter? Does it really make any difference anymore? The last time Republicans had control of the Senate, as well as the House and the Presidency, it didn’t go so well for the conservative movement. In truth we were betrayed with more spending, more debt, and more government. It was so bad that the party was out in force apologizing to the people after the midterm debacle of 2006. Does anyone really think it will be any different this time around? During this election cycle, the GOP has no platform, no agenda, and no ideas to speak of. Amazingly, they are not even running on repealing Obamacare anymore or against the administration plan to bring in as many as 35 million immigrants and put them on the fast track to citizenship. We simply can’t trust them to do anything about this lawless President. So far they’ve done nothing with control of the House and, without a new cast of true conservatives like Chris McDaniel, they won’t do anything with control of the Senate either. And what about Harry Reid? He seems to be the personification of evil in the US Senate and a target for many Republican campaigns: Let’s rid the Senate of Majority Leader Harry Reid. Childers has promised not to vote for Reid for any leadership position, and although many might argue that he will surely go back on that promise, at least he has taken a public position on it. Has Cochran vowed not to support Mitch McConnell? Is McConnell really that much better than Reid? No, he’s not. So the bottom line for a Childers vote is this: the only sure way to get rid of Thad Cochran and punish the establishment is to vote for Travis Childers. And in six years, we can replace Childers with a solid conservative.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:06:09 +0000

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