If you surround yourself with open-hearted people then you are - TopicsExpress


If you surround yourself with open-hearted people then you are blessed with people who are linked into and can respond to the ‘God Impulse’. The infinite intelligence of the universe that swims through us. They will serve your highest unfolding. They will be active instruments of truth (sometimes saying things you don’t want to hear!), they will be facilitators of magical messages and synchronicities. They will reflect back to you that which you cannot yet see in your own soul. These people are angels in your life. They may not be fluffy and feathered, in fact may be rock chick leathered, yet they are angels all. You are blessed to have one let alone many. These souls who see you through the eyes of love, not sentimental rose coloured love but true, down to the core of your soul roots love. They call you into your greatness by seeing you as whole, perfect and complete. On an every day level these people may have intuitive nudges that they pass on to you, messages that if you are open to receiving them can lead to your happiness and abundance. Open-hearted people download messages from the stream of the infinite heart of oneness. Direct from the place where true happiness resides. Open. Hear them. Let them in. Receive the truth however uncomfortable. Be grateful. You are blessed to know them. God’s messengers in physical form, helping you to ground your light and make real your love and purpose in the world. Earth Angels all. They are there. Can you see them in your life? Or have you shut them out? Pushed them away? Is their light so bright, their love so unconditional that you cannot bear it? Maybe you do not feel worthy of it? Every person in your life is there to bring something to your experience of growth, expansion, self-awareness. Even those you push away. Even those who have played the role of hurting you. In fact the love of those people at the soul level goes the deepest. In the space between lives they chose to sacrifice their earthly relationship with you in order to facilitate something greater. Their love comes in many forms. Earth Angels all. You are loved. With abundant blessings, Robin
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:31:06 +0000

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