If you want specific results, you have to get serious about your - TopicsExpress


If you want specific results, you have to get serious about your goals. Its true. If you dont want it badly enough, you wont do the work. We have a few things to address this morning that have been coming up in conversations and Im going to address them all in one post. 1. Isagenix, Herbalife, Wild Rose, cleanses of whatever type, weight watching programs, etc... These are all short term fixes for long term issues. Heres my opinion (and this is just my opinion, not gospel) these are not sustainable lifestyle solutions. First of all, whats the point in cleansing your body if youre going to revert back to old habits. Or live a certain way during the week and throw caution to the wind on the weekend. Unfortunately, it doesnt work that way. Your body can not sustain itself for a long duration of time like that and these programs are often restrictive. Two shakes and one meal a day, handfuls of supplements or pre-packaged foods which means you dont learn how to fuel your body on your own with whole foods. It may seem like an easy fix but more times than not people cannot stick to these programs and end up gaining back the fat that they lost, sometimes more. 2. Truly educate yourself. Carbs in peoples diets are a perfect example of this. Even those who know that they should be eating them and incorporate them into their diets often dont eat enough. Carbohydrates are not what make you gain body fat. Eating too many calories and not adequately burning enough calories is what makes you gain fat. In fact, fat has 9 calories per gram versus the 4 calories that carbohydrates (complex) have. Yet people will still restrict themselves to less than a 1/3 of a cup or half a piece of bread, etc. Youve got to learn how to properly navigate whole foods guys. Figuring out how many calories you need a day in order to maintain, lose or gain - depending on your goals. How to divide your macros (pro/carbs/fats) evenly during the day - not just by what you think or guided by false ideas. Most people work well with a 40% pro, 40% carb, 20% fat diet. Fats are more calorically dense per gram, meaning we get more calories for a smaller amount. Divide your meals equally during the day in proper macro divisions and be consistent - every day. Also with your water. Be exact. 5-6 glasses is not an exact measurement. Get a bottle, measure it out. Record it daily. Liters and milliliters is exact. Measure your food and record it. People want specific results i.e. to lose 10 lbs or 5 inches but are not exact with their approach. It may seem like a lot of work but if you really want to get there badly enough, youll put in the time and effort. Ultimately its better than spinning your wheels. 3. Realize that its not easy and stop trying to make it easy. I think when people finally just get down to doing the work and not looking for quick fixes or false ideas and hopes - thats when they start to make progress. Get your measurements done, log your food and water, track your progress and be honest about your commitment. I hear from people often - Im pretty good about my diet, I walk every day or run, I do this, I do that....but Im not seeing results. Well, when it comes down to it, you may not be getting as much work done as you think. Track, work with intensity (being uncomfortable creates change), be honest with yourself and ask for professional guidance or accountability if you need to (i.e. a personal trainer or coach). @bodiesbyj
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 17:12:40 +0000

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