If you want to get lean, dont change your training, change your - TopicsExpress



If you want to get lean, dont change your training, change your eating. Yes, at some point youll have to increase activity to create caloric deficit but its rarely as much cardio as most people believe. Most people fail because they dont stick with the diet and create too much stress from overdoing high rep fat loss BS training. One question I see pop up from time to time is how should I change my training if I switch to weight gain/weight loss. You dont weight train to burn fat. You weight train to get stronger, build mass, or in the case of someone dieting, retain lean mass. Cardiovascular work like steady state walking, or interval training can and is often used to help the fat burning process, but theres a huge debate raging on the daily about how much is needed, what kind, etc. My own personal preference about that is this.... 1. If you want to get reasonably lean, you may not need any if you are REALLY strict on your diet. Remember that the whole point of those cardio methods are to help create a calorie deficit. Well simply not putting the extra 600 calories in your mouth via that Blueberry muffin is better than spending an hour on the treadmill to burn it off. 2. If you want to get shredded, youll probably need to do cardio. How much and what kind, as I noted, is debated all the time but thats for another post. Back to the original point; Ive been asked I want to shed some bodyfat. So how should I change my weight training to help that? What they are implying, is that you change lifting in some way to help bodyfat loss. Yes, doing more reps does mean more calories burned, but youre using the wrong tool for the job. Lifting weights are best suited for strength and muscle gain; not as a tool for FAT LOSS. You dont change your lifting around to aid in fat loss. You train hard while dieting to give the body a reason to maintain the lean mass that was built when you had a calorie surplus. Paul Carter
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 02:39:00 +0000

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