If you want to know what the true Christian faith is, you need go - TopicsExpress


If you want to know what the true Christian faith is, you need go NO further than the Word of God. God has detailed all you need to know about a relationship with Him in His Word, and the voice of God will NEVER contradict the Word of God. The Word of God is the "lamp and light unto your path and feet" in life, and if you turn your life over to Christ and are born again and ask God to teach you from the scriptures all He wants you to know, He will. God is really the only being you can FULLY trust in this life. Ever. He will never leave you nor forsake you, and if you allow Him, He will turn your mourning into dancing. As for which denomination to follow? I agree, if you say "I am .... " whatever denomination and you let that define you, that is carnal. WE are the BODY OF CHRIST. ALL of us. He said "let them be ONE as we are ONE" - put aside your denominationalism and take up your identity in Christ Jesus. Follow HIM. NOT a pastor, preacher, church or doctrinal belief. Follow ONLY HIM. Men will fail you all the time but God will NEVER fail you. Instead say "I am in Christ." That was His prayer "Let them be one as we are one, you in me, I in them." Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:35:00 +0000

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