If you work for someone else.....you are still a slave in America. - TopicsExpress


If you work for someone else.....you are still a slave in America. Employees are still referred to as servants Employers are called masters under the law? If youre an at-will employee these terms are accurate. Over 60 million Americans go to work each day and turn their lives over to the whims of their boss. Over 2 million are fired each year and an estimated 200,000 are never given a reason according to the American Civil Liberties Union. At-will employment, and its legal underpinnings, began early in the history of our country. The term arose from the need to differentiate between slaves, indentured servants and free labor. The legal relationships between slaves and their masters and indentured servants and their masters were easy to define. These workers had no rights. However, free labor had the right to quit – a big step up from slavery and servitude – while the master retained the right to fire. This became known as at-will employment. In the 1800s, some workers began to sue their employers and the courts largely dismissed their cases citing at-will employment. Thus, the term worked its way into our legal framework. Now, jump ahead to modern America. Imagine that you are injured at work and you need a few days to recover. You file for workers compensation benefits and think that when you’ve recovered you can return to work. But, the boss fires you! What do you do? You hire a lawyer. You believe that in America you can exercise your legal right to file a claim without retaliation. But, the court see things differently and rules that you have no legal standing because of your at-will status. Weve come a long way in time only. Were still in bondage. What do we do???? At least try......to Start your own business gain economic equality. Forget acceptance!!! Freedom is based on your finances. The more money you have, the more free you become. Ultimately Uncle Sam still has to be paid those taxes....but that is the closest thing that you can get to bring free. The only difference between you and your slave ancestors is that you can quit the job. Most cant afford to do that....and thats what keeps you economically enslaved. Either you belong to that employer, or you belong to you. Can you quit and still maintain your lifestyle? Now dont run out and quit your job if youre not ready to take control of your life and have learned to generate your own income. Im like you....I still have a job, but Im working hard to buy my freedom by investing in me..... MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!! Some of you will say....fool, Im making $100,000.00 a year working my job! I say, youve been bought and paid for. Youre worth more!!! Its about economic freedom and the longer they can keep you there, the longer it would take to make up for that time on your own and your economic value is shrinking. Meanwhile, you have the same training, degrees and skills as your master, but they make 10 million a year because they own the company.... dummy!!!! Yeah I said it....learn to have faith in yourself too....
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 22:45:37 +0000

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