If your thinking of taking a course with us, here is a fly on the - TopicsExpress


If your thinking of taking a course with us, here is a fly on the wall outlook on a course from our intern Abbie - Hey Guys and Girls hope you all had a lovely Easter and got spoilt rotten! Its been a busy week for the girls as they have learnt so much. Its great to see how much everyone is blossoming and being the end of the third week its moving so quickly. This week has started off being a little emotional but finished on a high. The girls have already started getting work and seeing it they have come a long way in just 3 weeks. Tuesday started off with AJ learning how to do finger waves starting off with the hard way they were creating this effect on each others hair. It is quite a tricky style to create a couple of the girls got frustrated with one ending up in tears my advice to them was to take their Doris heads home and practice practice practice as this is how you overcome these little set backs. After a few tears AJ taught the class a cheat method to create this look after he demoed this we had smiles again and I have to say a much more pleasant experience as well as quick. The style was 1920s which is proven to be a very popular style now with people nowadays. The girls all had fantastic outcomes and all happy with their work and so was I. We finished this off with 1920s make up which he girls grasped this rather quickly. Wednesday the girls met Lisa for the first time they covered so much in this one lesson they started off with tattoo covering the girls were fortunate to have one of the girls covered in them so the got hands on and started to cover them up. I even had my tattoo covered and they done such a great job. They then moved onto mens grooming now this was more of a chat than hands on and after this talk some of the girls are going to go on a barbers course so they feel confident enough to cut mens hair. They quickly moved onto 1950s hair which they created the look on their Doris heads they completed two styles and learnt the right techniques for back combing and what hair grips and pins to use and the differences between the two. This was great as they had covered the 1950s make up last week and now theyve covered the hair so can complete this look. They then went straight into 1960s styling of hair which involved more back combing and all of them managed to create the height for their beehives the outcome for this was amazing even the girls who werent comfortable with hair just got on a done with without moaning and they achieved amazing results. Its lovely to see them helping each other out too. They finished the day with a 1960s demo for make up they loved this and tried to convince me to go home on the train with it I didnt as I only had half a face done. This was great fun for them as 1960s isnt usually covered in this course. Because they were moving so quickly and picking up things at a great speed they had time to fit this in. Thursday the girls met Julia for the first time to Edwardian and Victorian make up this is actually not as simple as they thought. They learnt a little goes a long way with this style of make up and this is actually what some of them would love to do to get onto period dramas. They also covered hair with this look and the hair is simple yet very effective. Yet again brilliant outcomes and because the make up is so natural they kept it on to go home. Julia was brilliant she gave them a career talk with how to find a get the experience they need and also the right people to contact. She gave out a whole list of names and tailored it for each one of the girls depending on what areas they wanted to go in. She even told them to follow her on twitter and shed follow them back and she has. The girls really look up to her and she truly is an inspirational woman to work along side with. Friday the end of a busy week so it was nice to have Jane back for a chilled day of learning about continuity and script break downs and call sheets also on how to create a look for a character based on what the script tells you. They started off with call sheets now two of the girls had experience in this as they where the hair and make up artist for a 48 hour sci fi shoot. This was great for them as they learnt all the different terminology which is a must know in this business. Jane gave out a sheet which was a script break down from a film she had worked on it was interesting as the girls found out you need to do a lot of research into the era in which any film or drama is set in. The girls were set a task to create the character called Hazel in script based on what the breakdown said. Now bearing in mind theyve been used to following rules and getting everything as crisp as they could. They actually could let this one slip a little bit. This is where Lisa session in 1960s hair and make up came in handy because they had covered this look and saw the make up demo they got on with it straight away. The girl they had to come up with for make up was a school girl and her friend getting ready to go out just straight after school so the eyeliner didnt have to be perfect as she was 16 so they had great fun creating this look. After they had finished hair and make up they took photos as they were swapping on Monday and giving the look to someone else to create to get use to continuity. They filled out their face charts with as much detail as possible to help out the person who was going to have to create that exact look on Monday. Thats all for this week guys hope you have a lovely weekend tune in next week for next weeks fly on the wall experience. Much love xxx
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:18:49 +0000

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