If youre under grace, not under the law, if youve truly been saved - TopicsExpress


If youre under grace, not under the law, if youve truly been saved by grace Sin will no longer have dominion. Let me tell you this, Sinners can come to Christ, and find full and abundant pardon Its is called Justification, the sinner comes with a horrible guilty record And God washes that record clean by faith But let me tell you something, if your idea about being saved stops there Youve got it wrong, because where ever God comes in and justifies a guilty sinner Pardons them by the blood of Christ and the work of atonement that Christ did on that cross. He will also break the dominion of sin, this is the greatest outward manifestation to whether youve truly been justified. Heres the thing, I cant see your spiritual record, I dont know if its clean. You dont see mine, I dont know if youre forgiven. Its not stamped on my forehead or on yours. See this is what the Bible says, DONT BE DECEIVED. MANY ARE DECEIVED, what are they deceived about? You got people all over the place, Well I believe, I said the sinners prayer. I walked the aisle, I went to the alter, I had that experience at camp one time. I did this, I did that, I read my Bible, I went to church. And the Bible the whole time is saying, If your life is not radically transformed Where the power of sin is broken, DONT BE DECEIVED. The reality of a clean record is not there if there is not indication of a transformed heart.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:48:52 +0000

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