If youve a spare 3.5 hrs on your hands, and political history - TopicsExpress


If youve a spare 3.5 hrs on your hands, and political history floats your boat, take the time and effort to watch this amazing documentary. - Made in three parts, with each one totaling about an hour and fifteen minutes, The Power Principle is a history of the United States and the building of its empire. The emphasis is on the last seventy years of that history. It includes original footage from film and television news broadcasts, lectures and commentary from champions of the empire and its critics, and a pastiche of other images culled from cultural, technical and propaganda efforts representative of the time and subject covered. The result is a remarkably detailed, clearheaded, and engrossing study of how the United States power elites created the mess we find ourselves in. Furthermore, this film makes it clear that in the eyes of the elites, everyday citizens are little more than pawns to be manipulated in the elites’ drive to control the world. There is a lot of history to be covered when discussing a topic as broad as the growth of the US Empire. Even a film four hours long can only begin to explore that history. To his credit, Noble does a great job picking important moments of US history to describe and analyze. By doing so, those historical moments bring forth more than the moments themselves; they exhume their motivations and effects, thereby a historical timeline that provides the viewer with a clear sense of how history is shaped by humans and how humans shape history. Noble’s highlighting of particular documents and individuals furthers that understanding.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 08:59:52 +0000

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