IfA currently has ten individuals who have come forward for - TopicsExpress


IfA currently has ten individuals who have come forward for candidate selection. We hope to have more now that the party has been launched. Below are the bios of our current ten candidates: Paul Chillery - So, why have I joined IFA? Well, other than PMs Questions once a week Im not that interested in politics but I am interested in the place I call home. Born and bred 10 minutes away, Ive lived in Arlesey for nearly 3 years with my wife and 2 year old son, and the longer I live here the more I find Arlesey has to offer. My main passions are football, live music, travelling and my family but Arlesey is also important to me and Id like to help shape its future for the benefit of all. Kathy Lindskog - I was born in Arlesey many years ago and have tried to leave a couple of times but always had to return. The pull was too great! I have been involved with many things in the village including Mother and Toddlers, serving as a school governor, meals on wheels and running the luncheon club. I love living in Arlesey and believe we can become even better with the right people working to achieve this. I would love the opportunity to help in getting Arlesey back to how it used to be and, hopefully even better! Jim Randall - I have lived in Arlesey for 34 years, which probably qualifies me to move out of the “Newcomers” category. During this time, I have grown attached to Arlesey and the community spirit that is generated. I have been an active participant in village life and have been a governor at Gothic Mede Lower School and a member of Arlesey P.C.C. I have no strong political persuasion, but I firmly believe that the town council should be focussed on getting the best services and amenities for the village and ensuring that any decision made should be for the long-term benefit of the village. Steve Stanbury - My name is Steve Stanbury and I moved to Arlesey in 2007 from WGC, I am married with two children both of which are at GM, my wife also works there as a TA. I have previously been Chair of Governors at the nursery school and am currently vice-chair at GM. My professional background is that I am the Director of Internal Audit at City University London, having trained and qualified as a Certified Internal Auditor at Deloitte. Since qualifying I have also become a Certified Fraud Examiner and have completed a MA degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice. I believe that Arlesey Town Council needs to act in the interests of the community, through listening to them. I am keen to ensure that things are done the right way and dont tolerate those who fail to see the difference between what is acceptable and not acceptable. I believe that my interest in my community, together with my professional background is what Arlesey Town Council needs in order to be effective. Andy Ward - I’ve lived in Arlesey for 13 years. As someone born and brought up in a farming village in Lancashire the rural location was what first drew me to Arlesey. Our children are now passing through the schools and we love it here. I now cherish not only our surrounding countryside but also the sense of community. It’s the people who live here that are Arlesey’s greatest asset. I am no politician – In fact I’ve tried my best over the years to avoid it. However I’ve become increasingly convinced lately that it’s time the community of Arlesey finally has a say in its own destiny. I want to continue to do my bit to encourage this as I believe it’s time that this real potential is given the opportunity to flourish. Chris Gravett – I have lived in Arlesey over 35 years I also spent my childhood years in and around Arlesey. I have little time for politics or politicians but I believe at Parrish council level it should be the local community looking after the interests of the local community. The council has a leadership role but should always be led by the needs and wishes of the community. Since September I have served as a councilor in Arlesey. That experience has opened my eyes to what a great opportunity there is to improve our village, its amenities and community spirit. It has also made me aware of what a massive task it will be to turn our council around. The ethos of Flatpack Democracy adopted by IfA can make that great opportunity a reality. Jon Want - My wife and I have lived in Arlesey for seven years having moved to the village from Cheshunt. I was born in the Black Country but have lived in and around London for more than 20 years. I work as an IT consultant in the banking industry and I am, therefore, one of many of the village’s commuters. I’ve largely ignored local politics but having heard a number of alarming stories about the activities of some or our ‘elected’ representatives in recent months, I decided that, rather than shake my head in disgust and wait for someone else to sort it out, I should try to make a difference myself. Arlesey is about to undergo a massive change - its up to us all to make sure that it is a change for the better. Mick Holloway – Arlesey born, married 32 years with two daughters, live work and socialize in and around Arlesey. Since May 2012 an Arlesey Town Councilor. I had little interest in politics but had concerns over what I was hearing and witnessing about Arlesey Town Councils conduct. I felt I could only find out, and ultimately address any issues, from within. Two years later, I have more interest in politics, but not the political system we suffer from at the moment, its fundamentally broken. So, now I have very little respect for politics and little respect for most of the people I have met in politics (most, not all).Here’s what I have learned about politics in 100 words… 1. It’s just not enough to be right. 2. Things take time to happen, you need patience. 3. If someone say’s, or does, something you find strange, you just haven’t worked out what their real (hidden) agenda is. 4. What people say is nothing, its what they do that matters. If what they do is in conflict with what they said… see 3. 5. Most people in politics … say and do strange things. See 3. 6. Central Beds Council is fiercely BIG Party Political, to the extreme detriment of Central Bedfordshire, see 1 & 3. 7.The political system we suffer from at the moment is fundamentally broken and massively fails at the local levels, see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. So, why am I involved with IFA? Because within Arlesey Town Council I 100% believe that there should be no place for party politics, self interest or any hidden or open agenda’s other than the single minded motivation or agenda to deliver what is best for Arlesey and its residents. In my world, such a council, solely working for what is best for the town and its residents, will by definition be able to be open, transparent and honest. Hence, creating “Independents” for Arlesey, creating a home to encourage independent councilors who will be free to act only in the best interests of Arlesey and its residents. Gursh Bains - I have lived in the Arlesey with my family for 8 years. I am actively involved in the local community, and have volunteered at Red Bears children centre and served as a local councilor where I have provided financial and governance expertise. I am passionate about our village and at a time of significant change we need an effective political presence at local and county level which I believe IfA can provide. Christopher Livermore - Hello! I moved to Arlesey from Central London around 8 years ago to raise a family away from the hustle and bustle of city life in a village community. My three children all attend either the local lower school or Etonbury. When not spending time with my family my professional life takes me back to London where I am currently an IT Director at Centrica managing some of their projects to bring technology into the home. Similarly to many of my other companions in IfA, I confess to having little interest in politics, at least at the national level you see and hear reported in the media. I am, however, passionate about the local community, and have been on the governing board of the local nursery school. Since I have move to Arlesey I have found myself becoming more and more involved in local issues. My desire to represent the local community on the Town Council was confirmed earlier in 2014 by the events at the resource centre that adversely affected the educational opportunities available to not only my own children but also other nursery and lower school children in the village. I believe the current Town Council handed this issue in a manor that was not in the best interests of the local community. My ethos is simple. Transparency and Accountability. I believe local councilors should represent the opinion of the local people in a clear and measurable way, which is exactly what I intend to do should I be elected.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:07:55 +0000

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