Ill get straight to it: New data from WCS field researchers - TopicsExpress


Ill get straight to it: New data from WCS field researchers shows just how bad the situation is for Africas elephants. By the time you eat your next meal, another elephant will be slaughtered to produce trinkets for the ivory market. This poaching crisis is the worst weve seen since the 1980s – and unless its stopped, the results will be permanent. But dont despair – I have good news too! You and thousands of others are stepping up to become elephant heroes. So far, you and the other Run participants have already raised $92,298 to help WCS stop illegal poachers in their tracks. Every dollar you raise goes to support effective programs that save elephants in desperate need of our help. But dont take my word for it – check out this video footage of wild elephants in all their grace and beauty taken from a WCS field site in Africa. I dare you to watch that video and not feel inspired. Go ahead... Ill wait here while you do... Hi – You probably know that elephants are the largest land mammals in the world. If youve ever seen one, with its long trunk, flapping ears, and intelligent eyes, you know that theyre pretty hard to forget. But can you imagine a world where elephants like this one are nothing but a memory? Unfortunately, with the recent surge in illegal poaching, a world without elephants is a very real possibility – unless we do something right now. I want to live in a world where elephants are thriving. Thats why Im running in the WCS Run for the Wild to help end this crisis. The run supports WCSs new campaign, 96 Elephants – named for the number of elephants gunned down in Africa each day – to educate the world about the poaching crisis. Their plan is simple: stop the killing, stop the trafficking, and stop the demand. What WCS does works. The sites where they have focused their anti-poaching efforts are places where elephants survive. They just need to be in more places! But to do that, and to stop the killing, they need funding. Will you support me – and elephants – by making a tax-deductible donation to the Wildlife Conservation Society today? Even a small amount will make an elephant-sized difference for vulnerable wildlife – and help me reach my $275.00 goal! Thanks in advance, and I cant wait to tell you about my run! – Ayshia P.S. – If youre interested in joining me at the Bronx Zoo, I would love to have you! With your registration, youll get an invigorating run (or walk!) through the zoo, free entry for the day, and the opportunity to help protect elephants – plus you can win cool prizes! ©2014 Wildlife Conservation Society, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10460, 718-220-5100 Terms of Use | Unsubscribe Powered by Convio
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:03:23 +0000

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