Im a bit irritated today at some people who will remain nameless. - TopicsExpress


Im a bit irritated today at some people who will remain nameless. STOP SUCKING! If you think Veterans Snap, maybe its not us. Maybe its you doing things you shouldnt. Turn off CNN and those types of Channels your getting lied to and they are taking you as a fool. You dont spook a Combat Veteran just to laugh and if you see us Jump or duck and move for cover. Dont dramatize it and talk about us behind our back like we are out of control or a threat to society we dont like cowards. We are conditioned and trained over time with that response. Its been trained and conditioned into us so that we dont die. Im sick of society and the Hollywood portrayal version of a Combat Vet of someone who immediately goes into a death Blossom when Spooked and has no sense of reality killing everything around them and blowing up every car and building in the city. Cut us some slack. We are here and trying to untrain that response and minimize its affect on our lives. Some of us do need help your self inflicted ignorance makes things worse for us. You have no Idea what its like to have people try to kill you on a daily basis for years, protecting the Liberties you enjoy and most dont give a second thought to. and you do nothing to actually protect them yourself. When we come home, we are Labeled by our own Government as Threats to National Security because we are trained to fight and the Government and the media has subtly groomed the public to think that we are dangerous to unarmed civilians and that we do not have the ability to tell the difference between friend and enemy all the time. We are trained to Identify and eliminate the threat not kill innocent civilians who are nearby. I appreciate those of you who actually have supported our men and women in our armed forces with actual support and understanding. Lip Service is insulting if you dont really mean it shut up! we can see through it. The longer I deal with Civilians the more I dislike most of them. If your on my friends list I think you are a good person and you appreciate those like me. Even if I do not agree with your Ideas I appreciate the Respect and dignity you have shown to our Veterans. I know I am not easy to get along with as I do not tolerate much Im outspoken and my thoughts and actions are very Polarized. Black and White, Right and Wrong. No Grey area and sometimes what I think is the right thing may be is not what most people agree with its a bit radical. I am not kind to people who are not kind nor do I allow bad people the opportunity to put me or those I love and care about at risk. Im not a bad person for being intolerant of ignorance and rudeness or standing in the way of violence. In fact I feel everyone of us has a duty to uphold a standard of right and wrong principles. Silence when its time to speak against evil is the Act of a Coward and deserves no respect from me if you know its wrong and do nothing you are part of that problem. If you speak it you better be willing to back it up and if you are wrong be willing to admit it. Im a bit irritated today at the actions of those I saw in town today. I avoid town. I like my peaceful corner of my world. Its nice here. I
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:09:04 +0000

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