Im a little confused here. You unfriended my boyfriend over a - TopicsExpress


Im a little confused here. You unfriended my boyfriend over a disagreement I had with someone else - that had absolutely nothing to do with you, and has been resolved for months - but youre telling everyone that youre not causing drama and you dont know what my problem is, and you want nothing to do with said drama? You need to go look in the mirror, because your other face is showing. When I last saw you five months ago, when all of this nonsense started happening, before I even had a chance to come into the house you came outside and confronted me about it and I gave you my side of what happened since we were friends and I thought you could be trusted, and that is the last Id spoken about it. I can see I was wrong because it had nothing to do with you and the first thing you did was side with the other party and stop speaking to me, kick me from an unrelated group with no explanation other than because the other person was uncomfortable (I asked her myself what the problem was when we patched things up and she didnt say anything about it), and remove yourself from all of my different groups. You have done exactly the same thing that was done to you by that other group in town, back in July of 2011, that you were crying and moaning about how unfairly they treated you just because of who your boyfriend is. But youre not causing drama? You made a comment to me almost a year ago about how you were sick of being snubbed by people you didnt think youd done anything wrong against, but Im not sure you realize that you rub people the wrong way with some of your actions. I was sympathetic toward you because I know how it feels to be misunderstood, to have a sarcastic joke taken totally the wrong way and for peoples offense to become a festering resentment or some weird kind of jealousy. It happens to me nearly every day. In fact, youve done it to me. I began distancing myself from you online a little bit because you started taking my jokes far more seriously than I meant them, and you started becoming jealous when I began spending more time with other friends. This may sound harsh but you and I were not in a relationship, you have no say over who I call a friend and who I spend my time with, and to go around acting as if we are or you do is downright creepy. Especially when I gave you no indication of being interested and told you many times I have a boyfriend, and so do you. Yes, I have an inappropriate sense of humor, but I joke like that with everyone and no one else in our circle of mutual friends has interpreted that as interest. Even through all of that, I was still saving those two weekends a month that I was in town as our lady dates. My time spent with other people did not interfere with the time we spent together. You rode along with me to cons and other events out of town numerous times, but only gave me gas money once because I said that if I didnt have help, we wouldnt be going. You asked me to help you with costumes, but that help turned into me buying all of the supplies out of my pocket (when I still have no job and a very limited income) and doing all of the work without any compensation or consideration. That custom wood and bone necklace and earring set you like so much cost me $20 in supplies alone, and instead of reimbursing me for my supplies and my time you said I could just hang on to it, but where is it now? You kept it the last time you wore it. I always said I didnt mind helping you, but I wasnt going to do all of the work and I wasnt going to do it for free, but you ignored that because it wasnt what you wanted to hear. I know this post is going to make me look like the bad guy again, but I really dont care because it doesnt matter what I do. Im the bad guy even when Im silent. Instead, I hope this opens your eyes a bit (because I know youre looking, thats why this is a public post) so you dont make the same mistake with someone else. Maybe youll actually be able to keep friends instead of driving them away.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:29:10 +0000

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