Im about to tell you why the DEVIL loves the Son Of God movie... - TopicsExpress


Im about to tell you why the DEVIL loves the Son Of God movie... Its because one of his favorite hobbies is creating controversies and disunity within the Kingdom of God. Thats exactly what we will see with the Son Of God movie. You will have some christians who claim the movie is not an accurate depiction of what the scriptures say. They will claim that the movie is twisting the theme, leaving out facts, and preaching a false-gospel. They will point back to hypocrisy of producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey who claim to be christians but have a history in New Ageism and worldliness. They will claim that all the christian interviews with Roma Downey were merely a front for promoting their The Bible TV series. And then you will have other christians who love the movie. These christians will see that there are some part of the Jesuss life that were left out for time-sake, but overall it was a great movie. They are alright with an imperfect Hollywood depiction of the Gospel produced by non-christians trying to make a buck. I mean, afterall, a movie like this puts the Gospel on a big screen for millions to hear the good news. Its worth it, right? These christians will applaud Hollywoods effort to create a faith-based movie. These two groups of christians will find themselves, over the next few weeks, debating their views over social media. There will not be any winners in these debates. Most likely, nobodys going to change their opinion. The movie will make lots of money. And the devil loves every second of seeing Gods people stuck in disunity over a Hollywood movie. The first group of christians will argue that the other group is allowing wolves, dressed as sheep, into the Church. The second group will plead that we NEED to support these types of movies so Hollywood gets the message of what we like. But in the end, we have a root issue. Do we accept ONLY the Word of God as a valid method of communication for the Gospel? Afterall, the Bible is Holy, and us humans are imperfect. Can we make movies that depict the Gospel, even though our human movies inevitably have flaws? What about when pastors preach? Pastors are human. Is it ok for pastors to preach sermons? Or should pastors only read the Bible, word for word, to their congregations? What about christian books that contain pieces of scripture, but are mostly the thoughts and ideas of the books author...Are those ok? Those authors are imperfect humans who are unable to produce pure truth. What about secular movie makers? Can non-christians make movies about Jesus? What are the acceptable means for promoting the Gospel? Which venues of preaching Gods word should we support? I dont have the answer. We are all going to make up are minds how we deal with imperfect presentations of Gods perfect word but dont let your opinion put you at odds with other christians. If the devil is supporting the Son Of God movie, I doubt its because he wants to skip over certain parts of Jesuss life... The main reason why the devil is excited for this movie is simply because he knows he can use it divide the Church, and spring up ugly controversy and bring out the worst of many christians through heated debates. Dont let yourself participate in Satans real intentions.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:03:26 +0000

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