Im as frustrated as all of you! All these suggestions of what to - TopicsExpress


Im as frustrated as all of you! All these suggestions of what to do next seem to distract from the main issue at hand! Remember the debate we had regarding Commercial use vs hobbyist use? Approach this topic from the economics. We, the People are allowing a government agency to dictate to the very people they are here to serve? What about the economic impact of Billions of $ in revenue for our country? Or the jobs which will be created? Or the educational institutions that have defined curriculum. Or the imagination of our youth to study hard and be part of emerging technology? Or dare I say that as a county we lead the world in something! I will suggest that any and all suggestions of next steps start with reaching out to your legislators! Stand up to this tyranny(and I choose my words carefully) Demand that your voice as a voter, tax payer and citizen be heard. Expose these egregious over stepping of law by the very people that we as citizens pay weekly is misguided at best and ripe with taxation without representation at worse. The economic driver is too compelling to continue to kick this can down main street. Next contact AMA and insist that they follow suit with the advise above. Tell them point blank if they dont provide clarity of voice that you will boycott their member stores! It is time they get off the fence and start advocating and not simply cow tow to the FAA regardless of their pending suit! Finally each of you and get one other person; need to discuss this matter openly to your local EAA chapter, NBAA chapter and AOPA chapter, local flying club, local rc flying club, GAMA chapter, PAMA chapter. These groups have established advocacy programs in Washington, DC. If our flying community is to survive we must openly embrace a substantive dialogue with actual manned pilots. Outline to your town hall, council, police department, fire department, chamber and rotary the economic impact this topic has for your area. Perhaps its too late already. Perhaps we would rather Monday morning quarterback and let the administrators define the future. Or maybe the best thing to do is stand up now. I for one plan on letting my work speak for itself. Ive done nothing wrong and I dare say neither have any of you!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:25:04 +0000

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