Im contractually obligated to do another 14 of these... 1. My - TopicsExpress


Im contractually obligated to do another 14 of these... 1. My favorite color is orange. 2. I am a Juggalo. Down with the clown, and down for life. Yo. 3. I enjoy some romantic comedies. 4. Im a Buddhist, and have been since high school, though I see it more as a philosophy that I closely relate to, rather than a religion. 5. I also accept Discordianism, and recognize the Law of Fives. GLORY, GORY DISCORDJA, ALL HAIL ERIS! (or dont, she doesnt really care). 6. Im a somewhat decent rapper. No just, I can rap along with Madrox! style, I actually have written a couple of different raps. I have a good flow, but I have problems staying on beat. But, Im working on it. 7. I masturbate daily, usually more than once. (Wait, these are supposed to be things people *dont* know about 8. As a real young kid, I had this whole life plan set out, where I would join the Army to get college scholarships, and go on to become a Doctor. Funny how things change. I decided I wanted to be a writer instead, and then a lifetime of war put me off the idea of joining the army. Now Im thinking I might get a degree in psychology, and become a shrink, while also writing, and maybe eventually screenwriting and directing. 9. Me and my brother have created an entire Harry Potter tabletop RPG, including an Excel spreadsheet character generator. Were still working on it, but its currently playable. We created an American wizarding school for the RPG, the Salem Institute of Magic. 10. I have a half-brother, Aaron, two half-sisters, Taysha and Hannah, a half-sisters-half-brother Uriah, a half-brothers-half brother Billie, and a half-brothers-half-sister, Kristi, for a total of six siblings, none of which Im fully related to. 11. Ive always wanted to be a drummer, and I finally have a drum set, but I dont have any clue how to really get started. I played the guitar for a while, and never got very good at it. Im a better drummer than I am a guitarist, but Im just not very good at music in general. Which sucks, cause I have such a passion for music... I never saw this coming, but my greatest musical talent is in singing. I love singing, and Im getting kinda good at it. 12. I think about the past so much that I hardly ever have time to think about the future. Random little embarrassing things I did years ago still embarrass the shit out of me when I think of them now. Doing something embarrassing can ruin my mood for weeks. 13. I kinda wonder how many distinct things Ive actually said about myself here? That last thing could have been three of these in itself, albeit three rather similar things. (Lets just go ahead and call 13. Over analyzing everything lol) 14. I have an uncanny ability to detach a movie from the book its based off of in my mind. Because of this, Im actually able to enjoy the Harry Potter movies, and things of the like. I also find plot overwhelmingly more important than everything else, including acting, which is why Im able to enjoy the Star Wars Prequels. (Though, Im more of an EU Star Wars Geek anyway).
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:45:09 +0000

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