Im drinking hot coffee out of my vampires mug Jezzibel Bates got - TopicsExpress


Im drinking hot coffee out of my vampires mug Jezzibel Bates got me watching Dracula on hulu. Its not that I am not aware that it is veterans day or anything. Its that I prefer to recognize the efforts of those who serve our country EVERY day. This weekend I spent many hours helping to clean up a strangers house as it passed to its new owner. Many vintage items including his well worn, holes torn in and falling apart pair of uniform pants was one of many items the gentleman held onto. The positive connections to my own father was something my mind carried with me as I sifted through what had become the detritus of a long life. This man kept vintage tools still in the original boxes. He was a tinkerer, a woodworker, worked on electronics, and apparently fixed cars. I hope as I use some of the cigar boxes, vintage bootblack equipment and tools I couldnt throw out that this mans memory will be honored. Like my father, he probably was someone who had stories to tell of his service and life experiences. The hard part though, from ones shaping, is telling those deep down stories that you cant really tell anyone. The fear, the pain, the loss. The sacrifices one performs in service to our country is hard to act on let alone speak about. This weekend a mans story had ended and I have no idea if he had the opportunity or the courage to speak those stories. So lets encourage those who can to tell them. Lets all be open to the voices of those who have fought for their ideals and for patriotitsm. For those who are silent, my ears are open and my heart reaches out. In the name of my father, the unknown gentleman I met materially, and of course for those currently serving at home and abroad...pax vobiscum, and thank you for keeping me free.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:10:31 +0000

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