Im going to be reminding everyone til election day. Please, get - TopicsExpress


Im going to be reminding everyone til election day. Please, get out and vote NO on Props 1 and 2! Do it for ME. Better yet, do it for the wolves! Lansing Politicians and Governor Snyder are engaged in a shady power grab. Now theyre trying to silence Michiganders and take away OUR RIGHTS to vote on wildlife issues. FACT: Proposals 1 and 2 would take away from Michigan voters, and stop the people from having any say on the hunting and trapping of wolves and OTHER PROTECTED SPECIES and give the power to unelected political cronies and contributors appointed by Lansing politicians. FACT: Politicians and state officials exaggerated and even fabricated stories about wolf encounters with people in Michigan in order to justify opening a wolf hunting and trapping season. Nearly two-thirds of all wolf incidents in the Upper Peninsula occurred on a single farm, where the farmer BAITED wolves with cattle and deer carcasses. FACT: Even worse, Lansing politicians are giving the power to UNELECTED, unqualified, pro-hunt political cronies whose views are aligned with their own. They are NOT wildlife scientists, experts, or even independent. These cronies would have the unilateral power to name almost any PROTECTED animal to the list of game species to be hunted and trapped, without checks and balances from legislators or we, the VOTERS. REMEMBER when it was brought to the voters twice and we said NO to the shooting of the Morning Doves (a songbird, ground feeder and they mate for life) We wont have a say ever again! Im hoping I can count on YOU.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:39:33 +0000

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