Im going to label this workout as the Unconventional Leg Day - TopicsExpress


Im going to label this workout as the Unconventional Leg Day because it is very different from my usual Squat day. In keeping with my decision to avoid loading my spine, I decided to throw together a bunch of unilateral leg exercises and annihalate my quads, hamstrings and glutes. Mission accomplished! Video: I started off the workout with some heavy Weighted Front Planks so that I would be able to brace my core for the actual leg exercises. See, when I do unilateral leg work, there is a chance that I might rotate my body - even minutely, to the left or right just to maintain balance. I cant risk hurting my lower back any further by doing this rotation. So, to avoid any future injuries, I did some planks to get my core all fired up, responsive and easy to brace. I was not going to do Pistol Squats but I cautiously did a couple of sets of these. I wont be training them aggressively though - atleast not for the next 6-8 months and that is assuming that I keep them around. After Pistols I proceeded to Elevated Reverse Lunges which were done for high reps and lots of sets. The pump was/is incredible. I finished this section of the workout by doing Elevated Bulgarian Split Squats for fewer reps because I am not very confident of myself. I will increase the elevation next week just to make the exercises that much more difficult. Usually, Id be doing lots of volume work on Front Squats and then graduating to some heavy singles or doubles but I dont want to load my spine between Deadlift workouts for a while. So that means no Front Squats or Back Squats for a few weeks. Even when I return to regular Front Squats, I fully intend on keeping this workout in the game. I will alternate between this type of unilateral focused workout and the heavy Front Squat workout. Or I might keep a 2:1 ratio where every third week is a Front Squat week. Weighted Front Planks: Set 1: @ 20s @ 90 & 45 Set 2: 135 x 20s 90 x 15s 45 x 15s Pistol Squats: 30 x 4 x 2 Elevated Reverse Lunges: 50 x 10 x 4 Elevated Bulgarian Split Squats: 60 x 5 x 3 Cable Pullthroughs: 100 x 15 x 4 Hip Extensions: BW x 12 x 2
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:44:38 +0000

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