Im going to post this and you can comment all you want but I will - TopicsExpress


Im going to post this and you can comment all you want but I will not comment back to the ignorant ones that will refuse to understand where Im coming from with this statement. Everyone knows that I have supported this cause from the start. You guys had 2 peaceful protests and a successful walkout, and have gotten the community, the media, and even the government, behind you in support. But please dont get it twisted! The media can be used for positive as long as everything stays positive. The media is always eager to dissect and find the negative in everything, and from what I am personally witnessing in person and on this page, and reading, the public and media will turn on you just as fast. You cant be harassing the truck drivers. They are people too. You might not like that they are doing what they are told to do and taking these trucks to wherever, and you might not like the way they are doing their jobs, but at the end of the day, they are innocent people that probably dont like what they are doing, but have no choice but to make a living, and if they stand behind you, may lose their jobs that not even Artie can get back for them. Dont harass the customers that are still shopping there. A lot of you will defend this and say no one is, but you are not at every store at every second and trust me, its going on. Ive gone to at least 5 stores, with 3 in just 10 minutes drive from me, in support and have witnessed this personally, and Im not the only one. Market Basket employees have witnessed this and are not happy about it as well. This is going down a sour hill very fast, and the meaning of your cause will be lost in just a heartbeat and the vultures called the media will eat it up quick and immediately will make you the bag guy, and I promise you that Jack will take advantage of the situation and turn into the hero quick. All this can be used against you at the board meeting this Friday. Keep it legal! Keep it pure! Keep it what its all about! Protest your hearts out, but do it right like you have been doing and you will see positive results. Thank you for reading and stay Market Basket strong!!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 13:41:55 +0000

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