Im going to share Harrisons story with you again as we Have new - TopicsExpress


Im going to share Harrisons story with you again as we Have new followers and to raise awareness the best I can, so here it is... This time last year I was happily pregnant with our 5th baby we were just about have our scan which would reveal we were having a perfectly healthy baby boy! We were all so happy! Everything was going well other than measuring big, he was a big baby and alot of water too. End of jan I had the whooping cough and flu jab and within days my heart was palpitating and my Bracton hicks were quite regular. I got taken into hosp and at now 30weeks I was highly monitored to see what was going on, I got given steroids as they were contractions and an ECG to see what was going on with my heart as it was going so high. Harrison was still fine and they confirmed I was so off we went, Praying that he would stay in for as long as possible! At the next consultant appointment she said Id be induced at 38 weeks because of this and him being big. At the next two consultant appointments different doctors I get told Im not going home because it was too dangerous with the high waters and the contractions I was getting he could come quick, waters go and cord would go round his neck...both times being admitted I got discharged by other doctors saying big baby big waters its fine go home! By now I was 37weeks tired, stressed and upset as were my children who kept waiting for mummy to come home with Harrison :( I went back in a couple of days later for a consultant being promised some help and again just got admitted this was Monday the 31st march. Tuesday came the 1st and I had a lovely midwife and doctor come round and agree I needed a sweep and help. I bounced on that ball done all my yoga moves to help him as much as I could as I could feel him desperately trying to come! Contractions 1in4 but just wouldnt dilate! In the early hours of the 2nd his movements were slowing I was put on the ctg and the midwife I now had just made me eat ice saw him move and left! I at this point didnt know what dangerous territory we were in :( The doctor came at around 5 on the 2nd and said you can go home theres no need for you to be in deliveries full so is Scubu!!! Your rushing him for No reason! And to return in the morning to see if I can see me actual consultant as she had put none of my plans in my notes! I left being discharged in utter tears, I wasnt rechecked and the last ctg had only been I since found out 13mins long! And was told not to bother coming in the morning as my actual consultant was yet again busy! So to return the following week and ask nicely for another sweep! I woke early on the 3rd and my stomach felt strange the pains werent really there anymore and his active self seriously gone now. I tried a couple of things like eating and drinking some coke as this would of set him off..nothing I went back to the hospital got put on the andu s ctg again and got told no look hes fine ...hours went and my husband saying no somethings wrong! He was now not moving at all and to push his little leg it just floated my belly was numb almost on existent feeling there. They brang a scan in finally and took the ctg which was still showing his heartbeat off...put the scanner on...I was right he had passed :( They were listening to my heartbeat all morning and were most likely doing the same the day before when he was in distress! I gave birth on the 4th at 8.36am to a healthy 7lb9oz Harrison it was an easy birth were he was so ready to come just gas and air so peaceful and beautiful 5hours later we had to let him go down to the morgue a piece of me and my heart went that day.... I cant change what happens and I cant bring him back but I can warn others and I can help best I can others who go through this. If your consultant says a plan Get it in writing in your notes! If your in andu get your pulse constantly checked so its not mistaken! Im petitioning for the ctgs in labour ward which Have both mother and babys heart rates on to be in andu! I only got 5hours to fit in the family seeing him his blessing as our quality time it wasnt long enough which is why I raised the money for a cuddle cot at the hospital. Count those kicks if theres a change note it and make them listen! Always go with your instincts xx
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:28:21 +0000

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