Im going to take a moment to be frank and candid with you all. - TopicsExpress


Im going to take a moment to be frank and candid with you all. Ebook pricing is something I think us authors struggle with, and as a reader also, I know its hard to know when to buy, or when to wait for a sale. Some authors put their books full price for release, then drop it to a sale price within 2 weeks. As a reader, I hate this. I hate that I feel like if I want a book on release day, I have to pay more for it. I think loyal readers and fans should always get the best deal. This is why Im going to be giving Axels novella away to my newsletter subscribers. You may have noticed that No Ones Surrender is $2.99, not 99 cents, even though its a new release. No, it isnt going to be 99 cents tomorrow, or next week, or even next month. Were 3 books into this series now, and I price my full length contemporary books at $3.99, because I feel thats fair. I put the first book at 99 cents so you can try it and make sure you like my style before you pay full price for a novel. I put book one in boxed sets of similar books, so you can find me, and get a great deal. I even put book one for free once in a while ( like for a week every six months ) to bring new readers into the series. But at the end of the day, even though I absolutely love what I do, this is still business, and I cant give every book in the series away for 99 cents or free. I hope that my honesty doesnt offend you, but instead you see it as what it is: Im honored every time a reader trusts me enough to purchase one of my titles. I want you to know what youre getting, and to feel that what youve purchased has value, and that I value my loyal readers immensely, and I wont breach that trust by dropping the price of a novel immediately after release. Different books will release at different prices, and older books will periodically go on sale. But new releases will always have their best price point in the days immediately following release.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:56:42 +0000

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