Im having a SHAKING MY HEAD moment, The Bible says in Proverbs - TopicsExpress


Im having a SHAKING MY HEAD moment, The Bible says in Proverbs 24:17, Rejoice not when thine enemy fallers, and not let thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: Im just sincerely asking, . . . when did, WE, the people in the Body of Christ, . . . the Kingdom, . . . . the Church, . . . get to a point where we CELEBRATE when a man (or woman) fall or stumble in SIN, huh? WE have become so logical, emotional and made EVERYTHING PERSONAL where WE have forgotten how to have COMPASSION TOWARDS ONE ANOTHER . . . (Ephesians 4:32, And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christs hath forgiven you.) I remember growing up in church where I was taught scriptures like, Galatians 6:2, Bear ye one anothers burden, and so fulfill the law of Christ. It was our obligation to help our brother and sister up from their fall. Nowadays, people cant wait (and sometime ANTICIPATE) to bury YOU in your own burdens and then, ADD SOME MORE STUFF TO IT . . . (smh). All Im sayin is that . . . its almost EMBARASSING to say I am a Christian, cuz the SINNERS dont see anything CHRIST-LIKE in this body known as the church. LORD GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US ALL!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:33:50 +0000

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