Im in the process of writing a rather long short story called - TopicsExpress


Im in the process of writing a rather long short story called Compliant. It might turn into a book. I have been researching the often arbitrary rules and regulations imposed on workers here in the so-called free USA. Many rules are designed to train people to behave and think as their hiring authorities desire. It is fascinating. No wonder I have a hard time finding free-thinkers, people are scared of losing their pittance and of being cast out of Droneville. The longer people are compliant the more they cling to the rules and the less they think, speak and act of their own accord. The only feel good moment a drone has is forcing a lessor drone to comply as they once had to comply. Very twisted. We are a nation that cannot write what we want on Facebook, say what we want elsewhere in public, protest without risk of being persecuted. We are drug tested, watched on camera, our emails are filtered, our text messages and phone conversations logged. We are told to do things in specific ways on the job, even if a better way exists, because one way is compliant and the other isnt. People are encouraged to turn on one another to get ahead and to be appalled at people that have a gap in their work history. This last point is really amazing to me. When do people get to live? Oh yes, there is often a two week vacation allowed each year and sick days after a year of employment but people arent encouraged to take these. The true drone forgoes vacation to get ahead. You cant step out of the drone life for even a short while without people flipping out. The USA is a controlling entities paradise. I bet most would be too afraid to even Like this post for fear of reprisal. That is fear, not freedom.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:41:18 +0000

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