Im just stunned here...Let me just say, that I do not live solely - TopicsExpress


Im just stunned here...Let me just say, that I do not live solely for this life if at all. I do love the privileges I am afforded and the gift of music I have been so generously graced with, it is a really awesome thing to be able to do, and to be able to bring to and share with other people, I love that I can do something that puts an occasional smile on another persons face, or somehow enriches their life...even if it just takes them out of a rough place in their life for a short time. Fact of the matter is, my hope is in the next life, the eternal one...through Christ and to eternity with my maker, therein my hope is found. But like anyone else, it affects me when a friend passes away, and I found out that yesterday, 2 friends passed...Im saddened to the core by the loss of Neil Morris, and also the loss of Bobby G. Riddle! I just found out about Bobby in the last couple of hours...I feel the need to say this to ALL of my friends, and to be very straightforward about it. People, we are ALL going to die someday! I am not trying to be morbid, I am being honest and truthful...I want to encourage everyone to consider, that there are no promises that we get another day let alone another breath. There are no guarantees that your next interaction with a loved one wont be your last...point being, it DOES matter what we do! It DOES matter how we treat each other! And, no matter what we amass while here, we will not take it with us...and short of the material possessions we leave behind, we leave only ONE thing that will be remembered, and that is our legacy. How we treated others, what we esteemed as important...our conduct, THAT is what will be remembered! Neil had a rough start, but he redeemed himself-he got sober and finally got to participate in a real life for the last 4 years, for that I am grateful! Bobby also battled that same demon, and he too got my memory of both these gentlemen, they finished well...and it is sad to see them go, really it is! Lastly, I want to address the spiritual angle of all this. You dont have to like me, thats really ok if you dont...but my faith dictates that I need to express how important it is for everyone that does not know God personally, to get to know Him...Christ said in John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the life, No one comes to the Father but by Me...I believe that to be true...and whether or not YOU do? Some things are true whether you believe them or not. Either way, with eternity hanging in the balance, it is worthy of careful investigation. Let me put it this way for those that really do not want to hear this, and I have heard every argument imaginable on this subject, but I will not be shaken, so save it...If Im right (and I believe I am as do countless others in the same position) I have EVERYTHING to gain! If I am wrong? I have nothing to lose anyway...HERE is the hard part for some, and it really doesnt have to be, but if you DONT believe and YOU are wrong??? You have EVERYTHING to lose...and even if hell were just eternal separation from God? It would be indescribably horrifying...but I believe it to be something much worse than that. So please, consider this...dont consider that you are hearing it from me, just weigh the info and consider honestly seeking out the answer for my estimation, it is the single most important thing you will ever do. I hope my friends that passed considered all of this, I already miss them both. My thoughts and prayers go out to their family and other friends and all who knew and loved them. Rest in peace Neil and Bobby, you will both be missed in a big way! :(
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:24:27 +0000

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