Im moving this conversation over from another thread, because its - TopicsExpress


Im moving this conversation over from another thread, because its worth sharing. Anyone else cooking on small budget out there, with some good suggestions? Heres how it all started: Rhonda Partin-Sharp Judy - some unsolicited advice and forgive me if this is offensive. Ive lived very poor many times in my life, so Ive learned ways to make a small food budget stretch. One thing Ive found is dried beans. Much cheaper than canned beans and have a long storage life. Ive found that a bag of dried beans can give about three days worth of meals for a dollar or so. Not ideal, but staves off hunger. So, if ever that $16 just really isnt enough, try the dried beans idea. But, add some cornbread to them as the protein from beans is not fully absorbed by the body unless there is corn with them. Im fortunate though - I love me some pinto beans and cornbread, so it wasnt too much of a hardship on me except for when I got to the point where I was just darn tired of them and needed a change (which I think happens when our body is trying to tell us we need more nutrients). But, this is just something I learned to stave off hunger when money is really tight, so I thought Id share with you in case it might help. I am so so so so so so so so sorry if I offend - my heart really is in the right place. 16 mins · Unlike · 1 Diana Sizemore Webster Love me some cornbread and soup beans! ! 13 mins · Unlike · 2 Judy Dixon Gabaldon Youre not offending me at all, Rhonda Partin-Sharp - I love that you care, and it just happens that I love beans and cornbread. We dont have a working oven right now, but when we can afford one, I will try this. I love comfort food. I eat a lot of peanut butter and honey on oatnut bread sandwiches, and take a multi-vitamin pill, etc. Were not literally starving, fortunately - just living from retirement check to retirement check. As you know, even if I werent receiving food stamps, I would support the people who are. So good to have friends like you and many others here on FB. xoxoxoxo 12 mins · Like · 1 Judy Dixon Gabaldon P.S. I have a crockpot, so the beans can be cooked in that (but probably not the cornbread - LOL). 12 mins · Like · 1 Rhonda Partin-Sharp Judy, I actually do cook my beans in a crockpot now, because they take a long time to cook and Im not always able to be here for a couple of hours to watch a pot on the stove. On a crockpot, I can leave them unattended and come back to beans. Cornbread - you know - I dont know how to do it but you might be able to do it in a crockpot, because one of my friends said they made a cake in crockpot. Maybe there are recipes on google for how to do that if he was telling me the truth, cuz I sure dont know how to do it. I am fortunate that I have a rice cooker. My wonderful mother-in-law bought it for me right after we got married, so I can have a pot of beans on, come home and put the rice in the rice cooker for fifteen minutes and I have supper with almost no effort. And, you know what - this conversation is making me hungry for beans. Ive got bags in the pantry like always - Im going to go put on a pot of beans as soon as I get off Facebook. I am glad to hear that you all are able to make ends meet enough to eat well, although I know there are always other financial struggles for most of us. 8 mins · Unlike · 1 Judy Dixon Gabaldon Rice and beans...ummmm. Sounds delicious. Speaking of unusual cooking methods - supposedly you can hardboil eggs in a microwave (or not - Ive heard different opinions. But I havent tried it. Im going to move this conversation to a different place, since some people I tagged on the original post may be annoyed by all the tags on their phone about cooking on a lean budget. LOL. OK? Rhonda Partin-Sharp Diana Sizemore Webster and others who like to try recipes, etc. ;) Just now · Like
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:53:58 +0000

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