Im not always the best at showing gratitude, but I did want to - TopicsExpress


Im not always the best at showing gratitude, but I did want to thank some wonderful people. Its surprisingly lonely on the road, both for us and the kids. It is therefore a great treat for us to meet up with our friends out here in the great space between. Of course first and foremost would have to be Melody Konecny (And of course Ty in the background helping to plan and supporting her visits), who not only came to see us, but brought her beautiful wonderful children so our kids wouldnt feel left out. Christopher Hamm, It was great seeing you in San Diego and we look forward to a great time in wine country. Shellie Warren and Steve, you guys opened our eyes to a New York that seemed so large and intimidating, yet now rests comfortably in that still small place that begs another journey and deeper exploration. Jeff Vandall and Lena Hodge a your friendship has long inspired me to be a better person, thanks for letting us take up your whole driveway and then sending us to work on the dairy, we loved every second of it. Christine and Bradley, bumping into you guys at Mardi Gras was the best accident of the trip, you guys are definitely who I want to be when I grow up. One of these days were coming to a music festival with you and its gonna be awesome. Stephanie Taylor and Steve Allen, bumping into you guys in D.C. might be my favorite surprise, well, ever. We had a blast and given the unexpected nature of it, shazamm. Blake Archuleta, my great cousin who somehow is still not friends with me on Facebook, sipping wine in the Maryland woods was a pleasure, made only more excellent by you and your great friends. Im sorry we didnt get more time, next time I will buy a map and remember that the wrong side of D.C. is bad. Lacy Howard Long and Nate Long, what great hospitality and shared vision you showed us. South Dakota and the North can be long, you made it great. Jeff Henderson and Amber Martinez Goldsberry, you crazy kids got quite the posse, not sure we converted you to Disney fans yet, but hope springs eternal in my heart for your future conversion. Kathy Schoonmaker Smith and Dave Smith, I never would have thought to stay with family, sorry I said it. But you showered us with love and it was an honor to meet the whole clan, thanks for making me dare to think family stuff can be wonderful again. Alyssa Maizan and Eric Jaakkola, you two are beautiful and wonderful and helped me more than simple words could ever convey. I feel like my heart is a healthier place to live today. I do wish the Chef would have flipped more shrimp tails at us, but alas. I also had some great work colleagues who showed us great camaraderie and above the line charity. But since I dont Facebook friend my coworkers, I will have to email them. For those of you we havent seen, we look forward to seeing you all soon. For whether we like it or not, the journey is coming to a close. Precious few weeks remain in our epic round the country drive-about. Bear with us as we continue to clog your updates with our pictures and blog updates ( ;) If we have learned nothing else, it is that a life without friends is not worth living. At least not if one has experienced people as great as all of you. If I left anyone out, feel free to hammer me, I assure you it wasnt intentional.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:11:08 +0000

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