Im not doin the give u a # thing, but here are SOME random facts - TopicsExpress


Im not doin the give u a # thing, but here are SOME random facts ab me. I prob had too much fun doin this, and could have written 20 more easily! Ha Random facts: 1) I make lists for everything! Grocery shopping, packing for vaca, packing for first day events, what Im gonna buy kids for each holiday, etc. I even made this facts list in my notes on my phone before posting it. Literally, EVERYTHING! Its bad. 2) I very rarely bite my tongue, esp to those I care ab most. But I see it as being for their own good, not to be hurtful. 3) I have a very close relationship w BOTH of my parents. (Theyve been divorced since I was 2 and have remained great friends all these yrs) I talk to both daily. I dont take it/them for granted! 4) 99% of the time, I limit myself to 1 tv show per season. I cant sit in front of the tv everyday bc it makes me feel totally worthless! Even if just far an hr/day. If u care, Nashville is my choice of show right now so I always have everything done & in bed by 9pm on Wednesdays so that I can watch it. 5) If u dont know my kids, then youre missing out bc both are hilarious! I love watching/listening to them. 6) Bugs freak me out. All bugs. Even Mosquitos. It aggravates DJ usually. And Ive passed my bug behavior on to her very young age. Oops! 7) Ive ALWAYS wanted to work in the dental far back as 9 yrs old. At 32 yrs old, I finally got the opportunity. And I love it! :) 8) As a child, I dont think I was near as sassy & prissy as I am now. Ill have to ask my mom?! 9) I try to remember to thank God every single night for my many blessings. Honestly, I do forget from time to time, but Im very grateful. 10) If I have more kids in the future, their names will start w a Br, but I have no ideas at this point. Nor do I know if we will have more. But Ive told DJ if we have 2 or 10, they will all be Br. And I dont care how corny ppl think it is!! 11) I try my very best to be as loyal of a person I can possibly be. And thats the truth!! 12) I love music. Esp old music. Not really old, but stuff that brings me back to my childhood or teenage yrs. I could listen to 80s hits and/or 90s rap or r&b all day everyday. 13) love love love some patio happy hour days w my girlfriends. Its a therapy to me. 14) Ive just recently started working out at the gym. Well, back in June. I hate going, but I love laying in bed knowing I went. 15) I dont sleep well when DJ is outta town. Thankfully its not often. 16) Im really enjoying these random facts bc I think Im learning ab myself! It might end up being a long list. Sry! 17) I have several pet peeves - that could be a list in itself. Ask if u care to know some of them. Ha! 18) When it comes to fried chicken, I only eat it home made, and it has to be boneless. I will not eat fried chk from any restaurant. Ever! 19) Since Ive had a daughter, my shopping addiction has become 10x worse...for myself & her. 20) The same person has cut my hair for over 10 yrs. and she will continue to do it until she retires or kicks me to the curb; which ever comes first. Lol. No1 else has come close to it w scissors (except tash, and thats only to trim my bangs). Ill stop here. Hope u enjoyed that as much as I did!! ;)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:10:14 +0000

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