Im not even going to address guilt or innocence of either party - TopicsExpress


Im not even going to address guilt or innocence of either party involved in this event - Michael Brown or the police office, Darren Wilson. Thats what we have Grand Juries for - to determine if theres enough physical and circumstantial evidence to bring charges against the accused. Thats how our system works, for better or worse. That being said, what really galls me is that the parents of Michael Brown would insult our entire country by going to the UN with their grievances seeking an external body to influence an internal affair within our own borders. How dare they challenge the sovereignty and validity of America’s justice system, and the ability of our court system to come to a decision that is honest, fair, and just? By their selfish and thoughtless actions, they have insulted every American by literally saying on the world stage at the UN that they cannot get a fair hearing in American courts because, by their own estimation, we are too racist as a nation to be able to find 12 men and women to decide the fate of the accused. I can’t help but to disagree with their viewpoint and conclusion in the most vigorous manner possible. I dont remember ever seeing white people in America rioting when OJ Simpson was acquitted of a murder that, to almost all of America he was obviously and overwhelmingly guilty of, yet was acquitted. We voiced our opinions on the outcome, surely. But that was all. Nobody grabbed their shotguns or got into their pickup trucks, and drove down to Compton and trashed the place. No businesses were looted and burned out by rampaging whites shouting “Truth to power” or “Death to OJ!” Not so much as a rock thrown in anger by whites after the OJ Simpson trial’s conclusion, so what gives blacks in Ferguson or anyone else who may disagree with the upcoming Grand Jury decision the right to riot if it isn’t decided as they would like? I do, however, remember extremely graphic and vivid images of Reginald Denny, the innocent by-standing truck driver who was minding his own business on the job, driving his truck through south LA that day during the riots after Rodney Kings unjust beating by some very bad apples in the LAPD, when he was savagely ripped from the cab of his truck by rioters and beaten nearly to death, with a severe blow with a brick to the head by one of the attackers, as a news helicopter hovered overhead, filming the entire incident - including the coup de grace blow to the head with the brick. The images are burned into my mind; they were so outrageously barbaric and violent. Still, white people didnt riot over this brutal attack on Denny, even though, by the logic the rioting Rodney King verdict mob used to justify their mayhem, we whites had every right after witnessing that savage, barbaric attack on an innocent man and others on live TV. We didnt go running to a foreign governing body to seek justice. In fact, when the people who brutally attacked Mr. Denny were caught and charged by the LAPD with the crimes they committed against him, they were tried in a US court of law, were convicted of their crimes, even though Mr. Denny himself couldnt remember anything about the heinous attack on his person, and did not testify against them. While on the Witness stand during the trial, Denny actually showed in his testimony and in subsequent media interviews that felt genuine pity for his attackers, such was the enormity of his heart, compassion, and strength of spirit. Why cant the parents of Michael Brown do the same? I just cant understand the logic or reasoning behind this latest highly questionable action by the parents of Michael Brown. They had an opportunity here to use the death of their son to help bring about positive change in this country concerning race relations and the issue of police brutality. Instead, they chose to accept bad advice from ambulance chasing lawyers and media race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to use their sons death to tarnish the good name of America in the forum of public opinion, and the United Nations; an international body who neither has the legal or the moral authority to effect any change in the situation the Brown Family find themselves in now. Its unfortunate that they chose to take this path, because it will not prevail, and will fail to bring about anything positive out of the death of their son for them, or the rest of the country. That is the real tragedy out of this whole sordid, awful mess.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:47:54 +0000

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