Im not sure why, but it appears to me, that those who teach Social - TopicsExpress


Im not sure why, but it appears to me, that those who teach Social Media are really just teaching people how to use the telephone. Eventually, people talk, and figure things out, SM is not that big a mystery. What is a mystery, is how Social Media Gurus / Experts dont agree on the Social Media ROI or what they report to clients. Most report the wrong information. One of my Favorite quotes from the Social Media ROI book by Olivier Blanchard is: A Social Media Program Manager who only reports on social media numbers is just being lazy. Always keep your eye on the business objectives that your social media program is there to support. - Gaining real-time insights into consumer preferences and perceptions - Improving the organizations crisis monitoring and response process - Increasing the reach of marketing efforts - Increasing the impact of marketing efforts - Reducing customer service costs - Improving customer service outcomes - Amplifying a campaigns impact - Increasing sales through frequency, reach and yield (FRY) methodologies - Humanizing or otherwise improving the organizations image in the eyes of consumers - Helping reverse an events negative impact to the brand (such as PR faux-pas, an ecological catastrophe, or an interruption of service) - Improving customer relations to help increase customer loyalty If you must report on typical social media metrics such as net new followers, views, likes, subscriptions, mentions, comments, visits, shares, and re-tweets, do so in context. If you want the book, and I highly recommend it, go here -- I dont get a kick back - just buy it, and practice what Olivier preaches. End of rant : )
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:10:38 +0000

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