Im personally not worked up about benefit cheats. They shouldnt - TopicsExpress


Im personally not worked up about benefit cheats. They shouldnt do it, but there are not very many of them; they put themselves at great risk for a pittance, and I dont see why they should be treated any worse than dishonest MPs. Im more concerned about the widespread view that anyone who can move any part of their body and form anything like a coherent thought should be made to do something that makes money for some capitalist. There is a huge amount of work - caring for people is the most obvious example - that needs to be done, but capitalism wont pay for it. (If you think attendance allowance and carers allowance go some way toward this, look up the rates* and conditions**). At the same time, capitalism finds plenty of money to pay for jobs that dont really need to be done at all - advertising, for example - and absolute piles of dosh for senior managers, directors and shareholders out of all proportion to any possible added value. All this in a time when improving technology could easily be used to create wealth without requiring much human labour at all. While capitalism gets all the wrong work done, people are being conned that we need to work for the fat cats until we drop; and anyone who cant or who has other uses for their time is a scrounger. The answer eventually must be some kind of citizens income, but we have to wait a while for the Mail readers and the political class to catch up. * **
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 06:53:42 +0000

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