Im posting this because apparently everyone is under the misguided - TopicsExpress


Im posting this because apparently everyone is under the misguided assumption that this Hobby Lobby decision is just about birth control. Its not just about birth control. Its not just about Hobby Lobby. Its about ALL businesses that arent in the stock exchange. Its about ALL religion and the ways that people (more specifically employers) will abuse religion and interfere with rights of employees. Its about ALL MEDICAL TREATMENT. Potentially...someone somewhere will create another religion so they can avoid paying for anything they choose. But..thats a worst case scenario. The point is...Bosses will use their religious beliefs to take away rights that we take for granted. They are already discriminating against gays and lesbians because God says its wrong. Theyre already trying to fire them simply for that reason. And...Ill be hell with religion if it means stomping on a man or womans right to themselves and their lifestyle choices if they arent hurting anyone. Thats what we should be focused on. Let them do as they may. They arent hurting anyone so let them be. Religious fanatics screaming about their gods shouldnt put their Holy Noses into other peoples lives. Thats what this Supreme Court decision is REALLY about. Not to mention...all of the other aspects of life that should be peoples freedoms...The freedoms we take for granted will be taken by our employers. And because people dont get the big picture of what impact this Supreme Court decision has made, the doors are WIDE OPEN for employers to take, take, take. And they will...and if we dont stop it. We will all be sorry..However..I will be sorry that no one listened to me and that I HAVE TO SUFFER BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WOULD GET OFF THEIR ASS AND STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS. Everyone else will be sorry they didnt listen. But...if you dont want to take my word for it, you all can wait until it happens..Id rather not fight for rights that I already have though. What about our rights as atheists or humanists or anything else that ISNT Christianity? We non-Christians have the right NOT to be patronized and forced to do Gods bidding just as Christians have the same rights. I respect religion. But...excuse my blatant opinion...Religious fanatics who shove their religion in MY face and take away MY rights as a human being and American, can shove their beliefs where the sun dont shine. Anyone who cant just accept that Im not going to believe as they do needs to at least respect my privacy and my rights to sin peacefully. I do as Christ would do everyday. I help people. And that should be enough. I mean every single word. Quote me. Have a good day! :D
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:59:53 +0000

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