Im putting this out there for the knowledgeable people who either - TopicsExpress


Im putting this out there for the knowledgeable people who either serve in military or have served, or follow the governments ways with some sort of understanding.........These are my questions. I understand no one wants to repeat a war, but will we just wait to be attacked like Pearl Harbor or 9/11? Or, Is it too difficult to assist without being involved in war? Wasnt it George Washington that said,Americans have always been wary of entangling Alliances in foreign wars? And, while the Jews suffered didnt America sit back and watch, because they werent effected, but THEN they got involved because of revenge? Isnt it true, if we dont keep ties with foreigners that this will have an effect on us in the future? Isnt it true that America set up a League of Nations? I understand America not wanting to repeat a war, but arent we setting one up for ourselves by passively responding? These are my questions, wanting cordialresponses......Im not trying to start a war, Im just wanting to hear other insight/ thoughts. I just dont get it. Im being serious, not crude. In 10 days, we will remember what happened in America. We were minding our own business and BOOM!!---BOOM!!, (a day I will never forget) we were under attack, then we react and now we are seemingly afraid to get dressed to UNITE on the attack of our foreign friends? Do we just wait or do we become the United force? I know for a Labor Day Holiday, its a bit heavy-- but arent we a united FRONT? We celebrate today with the fact we are doing individual jobs, but will we always have this type of freedom, because after all its still a freedom to work and receive an income isnt it? Since the beginning of Genesis, the war raged on humans, it started in the Garden with great peace, in paradise......then, BOOM, the enemy comes in. When we take our eyes off of God and place them on another King, we fall. Oh, we cried and screamed for this King (proof of this in I Samuel) ......but in the end, the Only King of Kings and Lord of Lords will reign. Shouldnt we do as His Word says? Proverbs 11:14 says, without wise Leadership, a Nation falls; with many counselors there is safety. (Written by a King who knew God as His King) (Solomon, King Davids son)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:51:43 +0000

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