Im really beginning to sound and FEEL like a broken record...but I - TopicsExpress


Im really beginning to sound and FEEL like a broken record...but I have a few points to make... I have even broken these points up so you’ll actually read them… however, 1.) Since when does this idea of BLACK on BLACK crime/murder/violence invite permission or justify other races to kill and mistreat BLACKS in general...? Because what you’re really saying is… “Because crime/murder/violence happens amongst our race its ok, justified and understood why other races want to kill us. “ Nah, miss me with that... 2.) Why are BLACKS so adamant on believing that there is a such thing as BLACK on BLACK crime ? I mean, I have NEVER heard of WHITE on WHITE crime , I guess this explains the Timothy Mcveigh bombing in Oklahoma, City… or “ASIAN on ASIAN” crime explains Seung-Hui Cho shooting up Virginia Tech .... ect. (the list could certainly go on) Crime is essentially JUST THAT... has no color or racial tendencies. If that’s not the case, can you show me the list of BLACK laws to go with my BLACK on BLACK crime because I just committed a BLACK robbery? (sounds stupid, right?) 3.) Since when does a lack of value for myself or my race invite permission or justify other races to kill and mistreat BLACKS in general...? example of ignorance: ( we need to do better or we dont value ourselves )... so, youre trying to tell me that I am warranted to death because I dont value myself or my race...I mean who is in charge of measuring my value...(thats a bit much dont you think?) 4.) What makes you believe that crime is condoned and tolerated amongst our race. Oh I know… because mainstream media isn’t covering it and that’s how YOU have concluded that blacks aren’t just as outraged when crime happens to our own… There are hundreds of “STOP THE VIOLENCE” movements, some even in your own neighborhoods, but when was the last time you cared to notice…I guess since its not a TRENDING TOPIC or on everyone’s local news channel, it isn’t happening…oh. 5.) Stop placing your INDIVIDUALISTIC IGNORANT views on an entire race… the fact that YOU believe the existence of BLACK on BLACK crime/murder/violence is a reason, invite of permission or justification for me or others to be killed… is bad enough. 6.) You’re involvement in ANY form of a change movement should not be based on whether or not people lose interest in the cause… if YOU genuinely believe in what’s happening, worry about nurturing that idea and not the fact that people DON’T REALLY CARE or ONLY CARE when after it’s apparent… continue to fight for what you believe is right in YOUR eyes…not someone elses… or on someone elses time. Stop trying to be fake mad at others because YOURE the one who lost or are beginning to lose interest. Sure, racism exists there is NO DENYING that… the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, to distinguish it as INFERIOR to another race, is very prevelant. But its also become apparent and undeniable that its being perpetuated by OUR own race with the ideas above.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:41:58 +0000

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