Im so disappointed that a Toronto Veterinarian has outdated and - TopicsExpress


Im so disappointed that a Toronto Veterinarian has outdated and dangerous behaviour advice on their site. Examples: Body Posture and Energy: Maybe the most important part of the walk is you and how you feel towards the walk. Cesar Milan’s secret is that he knows he’s great at walking and training dogs, and the dogs can feel this confidence. So next time you go for a walk, pretend you are George Clooney or Julia Roberts or any other powerful, confident individual that you can think of. Good body posturing and confident strides will help show your dog that you are a strong leader. Having a calm and confident demeanor and being firm when necessary are traits that dogs look for in their leaders. Believing in your ability to walk your dog and believing in your dog are key ingredients to a successful walk. Correcting with the Leash: When attempting to stop a behaviour it is appropriate to give a quick tug on the leash. Do not provide continuous tension on the leash and relax the tension the instant that you get the response you desire. Being in front of your dog will make him feel as if you are the leader and in control. You will have much better success getting your dog to listen to you if you are in front of him. The lying down position is one of the most alpha positions available to humans. Place a hand on the back of the neck while your dog is lying down to perform this position. A hand on the bum as well may be helpful. You can use a modified version of this hold at the park using a leash... Using these holds on your dog at home multiple times a day will help to reinforce an appropriate alpha relationship between you and your dog. I guess this Vet doesnt realize that Alpha means breeding pair so hes expecting his clients to mate with their dogs. Gross, and illegal.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 19:20:16 +0000

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