Im sure everyone can relate that there are times in our lives that - TopicsExpress


Im sure everyone can relate that there are times in our lives that we question what we were meant to do and our chosen profession. In teaching, some classes are great and some are tougher than others but this year I have a bunch of sweet and accepting kiddos! As a Christian I have always wandered why God put me in this grade and in this school. Ive always said I would go where He wants me to go... which happens to not be far lol. This past week I had an aha moment. It was a rainy day and as the kids were having indoor recess I looked up and watched a student of mine unsure how to ask a group of boys playing lincoln logs if he could join them. This buddy usually plays by himself. But that day he circled them like a shark. I approached and tried to coax and support him in asking. No luck- he said he didnt want to play with them but from the looks in his EYES and his FACE I knew better. My brain started turning so I called a different boy up to my desk and asked him to ask that little boy to play. He did and BINGO! my buddys eyes lit UP! His laughter and joy for the next 15 minutes that I saw was all that I needed. A friendship was blossomed. God is good! It felt as the world was complete. Right then I knew that I was put in that room, that grade, and in that spot for that purpose of seeing this moment. Thank God I didnt miss it! To see such pure joy on a little boys face. I actually started to cry. That moment was more gratification then I could ever imagine.Can you imagine how my buddy felt? The reason I share this story is sometimes I have tough days and question why am I here or Im looking for my purpose but I learned that day to slow down, listen and be obedient. Just like that little boy who was obedient when I asked to invite his peer. My desk was covered in papers to be handed out, to be graded, many emails to be read but I DIDNT MISS this magical moment to help I learned so much in those 15 minutes. I dont have my own kids but I have 3 nephews, 2 nieces and 22 students that are MY kids and I dont want to miss those magic moments. so slow down, listen, and enjoy this Christmas with your families, friends and coworkers! Find those magical moments in the hustle and bustle of this season!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:19:56 +0000

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