Imam PBUH Facebook Post: By their Fruits - September 27th, - TopicsExpress


Imam PBUH Facebook Post: By their Fruits - September 27th, 2013 May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. I ask Allah for you to be well and in good health. Greetings to the visitors of this blessed page. I found words written on this blessed page by someone who did not use his real name, perhaps fearing scandal or something like that. I am relaying some words written by him here, but only what I copied from his writings. And I did not find the rest of the obscene words he wrote here; it seems that one of the believers who removes obscene comments that are written on this page deleted them, may Allah reward them with good. And this is a portion of what he wrote: “Talwar Zani: Ahmed Ismael, you are seeing my words. I want your opinion about Aisha. It is the first time I see an Imam who doesn’t curse the murderer of his grandfather!! You donkey, you pimp, this woman murdered the Messenger of Allah, do you have no shame, letting Nathum al-Uqaili say about Aisha ‘May the peace of Allah be upon her’!!! You pimp, if you are a man, repudiate what al-Uqaili said. But you cannot, because you know that the ones who fuel your call are al-Hamammi, al-Uqaili and Sadiq.” Answer: An obscene behavior that is inherited. This is the response, it seems, of Sadiq al-Shirazi to the scientific refutation that I presented concerning the ideology stating it is obligatory to imitate the non-infallible. So I say to the writer whether you are Sadiq al-Shirazi himself, one of his deputies or one of the ignorant ones whom this ignorant one was able to deceive: if you were a reasonable person, you should have responded to the scientific evidence that I presented on this page to refute the ideology stating that it is obligatory to imitate the non-infallible. Through this evidence, I also showed the ignorance of Sadiq al-Shirazi, the weakness of his perception and his lack of understanding. It is also what Sadiq al-Shirazi should have done, as well as those whom he incited to offend, to insult and to use the obscene words which he, his brothers and deputies use. And every son of a free woman who dons a pure garment rises above these obscene words. The Almighty said, {And the vegetation of the good land emerges by permission of its Lord; but that which is bad does not emerge except sparsely, and with difficulty. Thus do We diversify the signs for a people who give thanks.} the Quran 7:58 O Beloved ones, visitors of this blessed page, accept it as a divine, Quranic and blessed wisdom: You know them by their fruit. You might say you are a simple person who cannot recognize how to know that Ahmed al-Hasan is true, and that those who fight him are false and are leaders of misguidance. So the Quran says it to you with simplicity: look at the fruit, it will tell you the type of the tree even if you are not experienced in knowing the types of the trees by their branches or leaves. So who cannot recognize an apple tree when seeing the apples hanging from its branches? The same goes for the tree that produces poisonous or bitter fruit; when you see its fruit, you recognize it by its fruit. {Thus do We diversify the signs for a people who give thanks}. You know them by their fruit. The righteous Imam brings forth good and blessed knowledge, and a commitment to his knowledge results in bringing forth righteous servants who speak with wisdom. As for the Imams of Hellfire whom Satan disparaged, and thus they followed him, they bring forth foolish and corrupt words, and as a result, they bring forth followers who speak the language of Satan: offenses, insults, obscene and filthy words, lies and slander. You know them by their fruit. The good land produces good plants and good fruit, and the bad land produces bad fruit. The land is the Imam in whose knowledge and thesis his supporters and followers are raised. So you recognize the Imam of guidance by his thesis and fruit, {And the vegetation of the good land emerges by permission of its Lord}. And you recognize the Imam of misguidance by his thesis and fruit, especially if there is something to clearly show that he and his corrupt thesis are the reason for this corrupt fruit. This is where every reasonable person should stop and wonder how a person like this deviated one, who has corrupt morals and uses obscene words, or who calls to using obscene words, actually finds people to follow him and accept his speech. But it is the wisdom of Allah that if He wishes to make the truth appear with clarity, He shows you the bad, one layer upon another, to make the bad appear with clarity. {But that which is bad does not emerge except sparsely, and with difficulty}. And to complete the proof for the ones deceived by Sadiq al-Shirazi and his brothers, I will discuss for you his evidence for what he and his brothers do whether directly or by inciting others to offend and insult using the filthiest words that the humane, righteous soul rejects. This is a recording of Sadiq al-Shirazi justifying what he does, either directly or through his brothers and deputies, that of using obscene and inappropriate words which humane and righteous morals reject: youtube/watch?v=MKWgt0nzjnk And this is a recording of his brother by the name of Mujtaba al-Shirazi, applying this deviated method and offending, insulting and using words that disgust the righteous souls, let alone the people of manners and religiosity. The catastrophe is that he lies, slanders and falsely attributes some of these insults to the Prince of Believers Ali bin Abi Talib, the pure one, son of the pure one, out of whose mouth not a single word came out to offend Aisha. While he was at the height of pain, in the battlefield and before the blood of beloved ones whom he lost therein dried, he did not insult Aisha, although he saw that Aisha caused a great genocide that weakened the Islamic State. Below is a recording of Mujtaba al-Shirazi applying the method of offending and insulting: youtube/watch?v=sd2vAkR2McI youtube/watch?v=48GfC0TvNsE By your Lord, do those people you see in these recordings, Sadiq al-Shirazi and Mujtaba al-Shirazi, represent a religious or moral thesis? By your Lord, are they fit to present Islam to billions of Buddhists, Christians and Atheists around the world? In the recording above, and in order to justify his deviated method of using obscene words, offenses and insults which you heard from his brother in the other recording, Sadiq al-Shirazi accuses Allah of offending and insulting, and accuses Him of using obscene words in the Quran. This accusation of his toward Allah swt is based on an understanding that he presented of the word zaneem that is in the Quran. Using his ignorance, he considered the meaning of this word to be explicit, and to have an insulting and obscene meaning. He then moved on to an explicit verse commanding not to insult as He swt said, {And do not insult those who invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made the deeds of every community pleasing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do.} the Quran 6:108. Sadiq al-Shirazi said that this verse is specific and it does not command against insulting and obscenity at all. This is how this ignorant one restricted this verse due to an allegorical understanding of the word zaneem, whereas the appearance of the verse is clearly a command not to insult or use obscene words, for this is not a righteous, humane moral. And it is not possible for a well-balanced and righteous human to accuse Allah of offending, insulting and using obscene words. He swt is far above that; He is the Strong, the Capable and the Dominant One and He does not need to offend and insult, and He is the source of morals, values and good words, and it is He swt who says, {Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided.} the Quran 16:125. So this is the general Quranic method. The divine commands must be understood within the framework of this method. O Beloved ones, Shia of the progeny of Muhammad, pay attention, may Allah support you. This is the explicit verse in which Allah commands inviting the opponent to the call with wisdom and good instruction, and not with offending, insulting and using obscene words. {Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided.} O Beloved ones, O Shia of the progeny of Muhammad, pay attention, may Allah support you. This is the explicit verse, in which Allah commands with all clarity not to offend, {And do not insult those who invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge. Thus We have made the deeds of every community pleasing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do}. This is what is explicit, O Beloved ones, O Shia of the progeny of Muhammad. {And do not insult those who invoke other than Allah … Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best}. These are the explicit verses, and this is what reason and humanity dictates. And this is what we know of the supreme divine morals which we learned from Muhammad pbuhap. As for the word zaneem, it is a word of allegorical meaning at its best. Here is its meaning narrated by Imam al-Sadiq, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. It is also mentioned in some books of the [Arabic] language, and its meaning is far from the incorrect interpretation made by Sadiq al-Shirazi. In Ma’ani al-Akhbar, Sh. al-Sadooq narrated, “My father, may Allah have mercy on him, said that Saad bin Abdullah narrated from Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Eissa, from al-Abbas bin Ma’roof, from Safwan bin Yehya, from Ibn Maskan, from Muhammad bin Muslim narrated, “I [asked] Imam Abu Abdullah pbuh about the verse, {Utullin; and moreover, a zaneem} the Quran 68:13.” He pbuh said, “Utillin is the one of great disbelief, and the zaneem is the one who takes his disbelief lightly.” Ma’ani al-Akhbar by Sh. al-Sadooq p. 149. And it is mentioned in some books of the [Arabic] Language: ((Zanam [root word for zaneem]: a part of the ear. Zaneem: one with a part of his ear cut off. And concerning Allah’s saying, {Utullin; and moreover, a zaneem}, it is said that he is marked with evil because the cutting off of the ear is a mark.)) Lisan al-Arab Vol. 12 p. 275. O Beloved ones, O Shia of the progeny of Muhammad, fear Allah and do not accept what this ignorant one, Sadiq al-Shirazi, says. It has been proven to you and with evidence that he is ignorant, referring the explicit in the Quran, which commanded against offending, to an allegorical understanding of a word that has more than one meaning, so at its best, it is allegorical. And the allegorical is referred to the explicit, determining for it the meaning which does not cause it to go against His saying swt, {Do not insult}, i.e. the meaning which Imam al-Sadiq pbuh said, “The zaneem is the one who takes his disbelief lightly.” O Beloved ones, the allegorical is referred to the explicit, and the progeny of Muhammad are the ones who refer the allegorical to the explicit, and not the ignorant Sadiq al-Shirazi who overturned the matter for you and referred explicit Quranic words to a sick understanding that he adopted; thus he accused Allah of offending and of obscenities in order to justify to himself and to his brothers and supporters the offenses and uses of obscene words which no righteous person accepts, let alone a religious one. As for the rest of what you wrote - you who takes the obscenities of Sadiq al-Shirazi for morals- about the honorable Sheikh and the virtuous, knowledgeable one Nathum al-Uqaili, may Allah protect him, saying ‘Aisha, peace be upon her’, I took a look at it and Sheikh Nathum al-Uqaili may Allah protect him was speaking in a debate with a Wahhabi, Salafi sheikh. And most of Sheikh Nathum al-Uqaili’s speech was about the progeny of Muhammad, may the prayers of Allah be upon them, in order to prove their right to the vicegerency. And whenever he mentioned them, he sent the peace of Allah upon them, may Allah reward him with good. So the name of Aisha came in the middle of the speech, and unintentionally, he sent the peace of Allah upon her too. As for my position concerning Aisha, I clarified it in general in many places: her state is like that of all people who went against the Prince of Believers, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. And the Prince of Believers is one of the vicegerents of Allah on His earth. So if she was a believer, she was obligated to obey Ali pbuh, her master and her Imam. And she was obligated to follow his command, and he is the Imam of the believing men and women, appointed by Allah. But I do not offend and insult. And I take the Quranic method; the method of my fathers, the purified Imams. And it is the method you will find in the verses at the top of the blessed page, which is inviting with wisdom and good morals, and not the method of offending, insulting and using obscene, filthy words adopted by Sadiq al-Shirazi and his brothers and supporters. And on the event of the obscenity written by this person on this blessed page, I invite them to repent and abandon these evil morals and filthy words. I also invite Sadiq al-Shirazi to repent and abandon deceiving people with the ideology that it it is obligatory to imitate the non-infallible; he has been incapable of providing evidence for this ideology. So he does not present a verse with explicit proof, nor does he present a narration that is definitely from Ahlulbayt pbut with explicit proof supporting the ideology that it is obligatory to imitate the non-infallible. And the Usuli clerics themselves discussed these verses and narrations and clarified that they are not fit to be used as evidence. That is why they resort to what they call reasonable evidence, or that it is obligatory for the ignorant one to refer to the knowledgeable one. And I refuted this evidence by saying that they are supposers. So the knowledgeable one here is the one who presents certitude and not supposition. And some of them, including Sadiq al-Shirazi, have said that their reasonable evidence is returning to the specialized one. And I clarified that by presenting this as evidence, he exposed his ignorance and it was clarified that he does not know what he is saying. So on one hand, he says that it is obligatory to imitate the non-infallible or the cleric. And on the other hand, he presents his evidence proving only that is permissible and not obligatory at best. So referring to the specialized one is not obligatory. And I am still waiting for their response which will not come, because they know that after the refutations I presented, their ideology is over and there is nothing left of it. - See more at: saviorofmankind/homepage/88-english-uk/article/800-imam-pbuh-facebook-post-by-their-fruits#sthash.pNI6krdT.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:22:46 +0000

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