Imitation Station We have all heard that "Imitation is the - TopicsExpress


Imitation Station We have all heard that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." I think it depends on who and what is being imitated. When I was at my hardest yet most fulfilling job ever, being a stay at home mom to three "wonderful" children, my two youngest were like frick and frack. Where one went you would definitely find the other. One day, my oldest daughter had about all she could take of toy taking and space invading (literal not alien play) and with her right hand on her hip and left finger pointed in a very serious, high pitched but sweet voice began her descent.. "I am sick and tired of you two making messes and not cleaning them up." I called out her name rather sternly before she finished her sentence --- ready to let her know that telling someone you were sick and tired of "whatever " was not an acceptable way to express her feelings when she was upset. Wondering to myself....."Where did she get that from?" But before she finished her words....I got my answer. All of a sudden I could hear my voice through her. No where near as loud and high pitched...but I could hear it. I could remember saying it a few times in frustration to my husband on the days I reached my emotional peak about life situations. Not knowing that she had been watching, listening, and learning and now she was imitating what she had learned about how to deal with frustration. Paul told the church in Thessalonica "You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. " It occurred to me that just as my daughter watched and learned ----other people do also. Each of us has a circle of influence. People whose lives we touch every day. I had to ask myself the hard know the ones that make you go "OUCH!!!!!" Am I imitating the life of that other people may see Him in my words and my good times, bad times, sad times, angry times, happy times....Is my life imitation worthy? OUCH!!! I sure desire for it to be.... Father, I thank you that all we need to be who you destined for us to be is found in you and in your word. Yet you designed us for relationship and fellowship and give us the privilege to share our lives with others...some who know you ....others who do not. And in that sharing of life, we become the physical representation of you on this earth. Help us to walk every day sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to the eyes who watch us as we walk through this journey of life so that others may see you and come to know you as we do. In Jesus name Amen
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 10:10:12 +0000

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