Importance of sattvik diet Consumption of sattvik food provides - TopicsExpress


Importance of sattvik diet Consumption of sattvik food provides momentum to the functions of the five vital energies. The energy created as a result of consumption of sattvik food is similar to the energy created by a sacrificial fire. Due to the sattvik waves transmitted by the consumption of sattvik food, the function of the five vital energies located near the navel gains momentum and these spread in the entire body. For this reason sattvik food is considered ‘Absolute Brahman’ or ‘Purnabrahma’ and that which possesses the capacity to purify the five vital energies. Consumption of sattvik food facilitates the absorption of Deities’ Principles. Consumption of sattvik food purifies a person’s gross and subtle bodies and enables the body to absorb the waves of Deities’ Principles. It is beneficial to consume sattvik food on special dates as per lunar calendar (tithis) and festivals. Hence some non-vegetarians too refrain from consuming non-vegetarian food on the special tithis of their worshipped Deity or festivals. Some sources of sattvik food: 1. Food cooked by a sattvik housewife: The trigunas (three components) of the person who cooks food, influences the one consuming it. The touch of a sattvik woman’s hands facilitates the spread of sattvik vibrations in the food, thus making it sattvik. Such sattvik food which is devoid of Raja-Tama is tastier. Obstacles created by negative energies in the digestion process are also removed. 2. Consecrated food (Naivedya) offered to God: In the food items prepared as a part of consecrated food, pure ghee is used instead of oil. The components such as chili, spices etc. are Raja-Tama-dominant. Hence, use of such items is mostly avoided while preparing consecrated food or they are used very little. When such food is offered to God, it becomes charged with the waves of Deities’ Principles, thus becoming more sattvik. By consuming such food as Holy sacrament (Prasad), we benefit from the waves of Deities’ Principles. So as to benefit everyone, the Holy sacrament is distributed to all. 3. Food prepared in Saints’ ashrams: As compared to other places, the proportion of sattvikta and Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) is greater in the ashrams of Saints. Here the seekers and disciples prepare food with an attitude of service. Hence this food becomes sattvik. Food is Absolute Brahman (purnabrahma); if one consumes it with spiritual emotion (bhav), one derives Chaitanya. 4. Food given by Saints: When devotees visit Saints’ ashrams or when a Saint arrives in their home, they offer various kinds of food, fruits etc. to the Saints. These food items become sattvik and charged with the waves of Chaitanya. These food items are distributed in the form of Holy sacrament (Prasad).
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 09:01:29 +0000

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