In 1967 I was just back from Vietnam and itching to organize - TopicsExpress


In 1967 I was just back from Vietnam and itching to organize around anti-war, gay politics and civil rights. The Houston Police Officers Association sponsored a speech by Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society ay Lamar High School. I dressed up and went down to confront the aging right wing icon. I took media with me to get coverage of a 26 year old lefty taking on a 68 year old right winger....He was older than his years would indicate. After he was given an inarticulate introduction he came from the wings across what was under the circumstances a vast stage. He tottered and his Parkinsons was describable from mid auditorium. before reaching the podium he dropped the 3 X 5 cards with his speaking notes, bent over to pick them up at one point mooning the audience. They were gathered out of order but he spoke from them anyway so his ideas were confusing and often uncompleted. Of course there were intermittent use of N---ers, J-ws and queers words enthusiastically received by the cops in the audience. But to me it all was pitiable and sad. Yes there was hate and the ugliness of prejudice but when the time came for questions, I quietly got up and left with my media entourage explaining the some day I will become that figure, an old man on a mission with some young opponent waiting to make me look foolish in the question time. It was my sacrifice in the hope of some future mercy. I am now 73...
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:40:29 +0000

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