In 1991 David Rockefeller invited a young, almost unknown Governor - TopicsExpress


In 1991 David Rockefeller invited a young, almost unknown Governor for Arkansas to attend the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden Germany. Just a year later Bill Clinton was in the White House. George W. Bush was never tapped because, apart from being a member of Skull & Bones, he got his job thanks to his father, a senior CFR conspirator. So, this Chatham House prize is actually the globalist conspirators reassurance to Hillary that she will be their next puppet in the White House. As expected, key globalist conspirators like Soros and McCain have already expressed their support for Hillarys presidential dreams. CFR corporate member Goldman Sachs has just made a campaign contribution of $400,000 disguised as speakers fees to Hillary. This is not, however, the first time Hillary has been promised the Big Prize.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:51:13 +0000

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