In Adyashantis The End Of Your World, he says, Make no mistake - TopicsExpress


In Adyashantis The End Of Your World, he says, Make no mistake about it- enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. Its seeing through the facade of pretense. Its the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true. I dont know that I agree that its unrelated to being happier. I think its intimately related to freeing yourself from the grips of fear and really experiencing the love that surrounds us in daily life, and that tends to lead to greater depths of job. But I completely agree that the process of waking up can be BRUTAL. When we start realizing that we are not victims, that weve created much of our own suffering, and that those we love are doing the same thing, its almost unbearable to witness- in ourselves and others. The way the ego will do ANYTHING to stay relevant, the way the shadows will rear their heads to stay in control, the way we sabotage ourselves to resist enlightenment- its hard to look at. This calls for RADICAL COMPASSION. I mean serious self- acceptance. It requires treating the part of you who resists enlightenment like a hurt child who feels scared and lonely and afraid of being neglected or becoming irrelevant. It requires wrapping warm blankets of comfort around the scared small self so that part of you doesnt feel the need to act out and take back the drivers seat. Your larger self can parent your small self and do so with great love, and when this happens, you suffer less. I promise. This also requires bountiful acts of compassion for those who have not yet seen the light. Its so tempting to fall into a place of judgment, criticism, or spiritual snobbery. But those who havent yet experienced the unconditional love that exists for us all dont need your judgment. They need to have demonstrated for them that which they have yet to truly experience. We need to love them- even the ones who are hardest to love, ESPECIALLY the ones who are hardest to love. That includes those you find unlovable. It also includes YOU. There are no defective people. Nobody unworthy of unconditional love. Nobody failed to be blessed with a spark of divinity in them. Some people have just lost touch, and the only way they might see that divinity within is to have others mirror it back to them. This is your mission should you choose to accept it. Pick one person today who you find hard to love, and grant him or her unearned blessings, what some might call grace. Just open your heart to see how that person might be hurting and why he or she might be behaving in the way you find so hard to love. Find the compassion within you to offer refuge to the part of them that feels unlovable and unworthy. Grant them Universal love, and if you cant do it, ask the Divine to grant it through you as a pure act of generosity. Will you please do this with me?
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:17:52 +0000

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