In December this year I am going to Cambodia for two weeks with - TopicsExpress


In December this year I am going to Cambodia for two weeks with ADRA (a Christian humanitarian aid organisation). I am writing this to gain your support as our team of 17 volunteers prepare to work together with local, ‘ID poor’ farmers as they work to improve their agricultural based incomes. With your help, funds raised will allow for continued development in this community. Many families in the Kompong Thom Province live below the line of poverty, leaving the community vulnerable to the tragedies of an impoverished livelihood. The ENHANCED Project in Baray District of Kompong Thom works with community groups to ultimately increase their sustainable incomes through improved agricultural activities and better access to new opportunities. ADRA Cambodia’s Jombok Haos Adventure Learning Centre is a three hour drive from the Kompong Thom Province. It has been in operation since 2004 and provides unique learning opportunities for groups within ADRA and also external groups. At the Learning Centre, ADRA Connections volunteers will construct a new zipline, rest house and trails. To support my trip financially please visit https://adraconnections.everydayhero/au/adra-cambodia-jasmine By giving what you can, you can make a direct impact to the survival and health of mothers and their babies. Take the opportunity to be part of this major project. Please support by praying for: - ADRA Cambodia and their work - The humanitarian work in Cambodia and our team as we prepare Though you may never see or meet these people, know that you can make a difference by using what you have in your hands. May Gods love and grace be with you! Take care! Thanking you heaps! He answered, “He who has two coats, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” Luke 3:11
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 06:44:41 +0000

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