In Fact, selection of optional subjects plays vital role in - TopicsExpress


In Fact, selection of optional subjects plays vital role in success Please throw some light on your education and achievements. I have done masters in English Literature as Gold medalist from Sindh University of Jamshoro. Then I qualified exams of Sindh Public Service Commission and served as lecturer of English in different colleges of interior Sindh. Later on, I appeared in CSS in 2004 and qualified the exam. It was my first and last chance. What prerequisites are needed for success in CSS? Actually, CSS, a multidimensional exam, consists of diversified topics and subjects. There are several prerequisites needed for success in CSS. For instance, consistency of purpose, time management, grip on subjects which you choose as optional, good English expression, updated knowledge about national and international issues, determination and faith in yourself that you can pass CSS are the prerequisites of this exams. In fact, selection of optional subjects plays vital role in success and for that matter an appropriate guidance is inevitable. Hence, to me consistency in purpose and proper guidance is cardinal for success in CSS. Moreover, candidates must concentrate on the mcqs of their optional subjects because it will also lift up their score. Did you join any academy? Should students join academies or these are just tools of making money? First of all I did not join any academy but I do not wish to opine any sweeping statement on the efficacy of academies. Obviously, academies do play a certain role especially in terms of guidance for the candidates who wish to succeed in CSS. Basically, self study matters a lot because one has to sit for study but according to a time table and put extra effort for this exam. What are the general problems faced by CSS candidates according to your experience? As for as my experiences are concerned, the approach adopted by the candidates is very vague and confusing. Somehow they have wrong concept of CSS that it is too much difficult and impossible to qualify at least in first chance. Moreover, sometimes they do not struggle wholeheartedly or they choose an unbalanced combination of optional subjects just by following toppers. It is totally wrong approach in my opinion. Perhaps, it is because of improper guidance or over confidence. Furthermore, they consult successful candidates, alright there is no harm in it but consulting too many candidates creates confusion and ambiguity. Because every body has its own notions and strategies of passing CSS. Similarly, successful candidates prescribe various methods of preparation which in a way confuses the new comers and make there approach uncertain. Although, consultation is necessary but candidates have to devise their own strategy how to proceed in exam. In brief, I must say there is no short cut for CSS and success can not be achieved without hard work, consistency of purpose and determination. Why are some subjects considered scoring and some non-scoring? One should go for there personal interest or the league of scoring ones? Good question! This subject is scoring and this is non-scoring, there is no set criteria for it and it’s all hear say. The best criteria for it to visit FPSC official website because now they post DMC of failure candidates on web, so candidates must browse it to see the marks then they come to know which the scoring subjects are nowadays. As for as personal liking, experience and aptitude are concerned, candidates do go for those of their interest but they have to work hard, make personal notes and study good books to acquire good marks. In fact, different style of writing will impress the examiner and one can score well. Moreover, if somebody has done masters in English literature or in Political science and feel comfortable to write on these subjects then go ahead. Furthermore, candidates must thoroughly study the syllabus and should take all prose & cones of a subject then opt it. If they can consult a subject specialist in this regard then it would be better for them. It has been noticed all the time, most of the candidate falls because of aggregate problem in the total marks. How one can overcome this problem? I think to avoid this problem one must focus on general knowledge papers; Every Day Science, Current Affairs and Pak. Affairs. If one wants to score then he or she must well prepare Everyday Science because this paper has scoring capacity and its 50 marks mcqs give an ample chance to make good score and second portion is also not difficult. Moreover, candidates must concentrate on the mcqs of their optional subjects because it will also lift up their score. In fact your good score in your one optional subject can take you away from aggregate problem. Hence, by adopting this strategy one can not flung because of lower marks. Essay is considered most difficult paper. Do you agree? How do you define Essay? What are the main ingredients of it? First of all I do not consider essay paper difficult one, it is very easy. All the optional as well as compulsory subjects constitute content for essay. Actually, content means the material or ideas which we put in our essay or we can say raw material for essay. Basically, essay means I say; whatever I want to say on a specific topic that is essay or it means candidates own point of view regarding an issue or topic. Furthermore the main ingredients of essay are introductory paragraph, body paragraph, transitional paragraphs and concluding paragraph. Introductory paragraph consists of two statements; one is general statement and second is thesis statement. General statement contains at least eight introductory sentences while thesis statement highlights variables on which writer is going to build its essay. Similarly, concluding paragraph is same as introductory because in this paragraph writer restates the statement which is given in introductory paragraph. Then comes body and transitional paragraphs. Transitional paragraphs are used when we shift from one variable to another while writing essay. Furthermore, essay is divided into two portions first is higher order and second is lower order. In higher order, examiner checks the essay on technical grounds that what and how we write in introductory, body, transitional and concluding paragraphs. In fact, our introductory paragraph attracts the attention of examiner while from our concluding paragraph examiner decides our marks. On the other hand, in lower order examiner checks our vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation and grammar. As paragraph is group of sentences similarly essay is the group of paragraphs so importance of paragraph is vital in essay. Here, I would like to add that a paragraph must have a topic sentence containing the controlling idea on which paragraph is based. But only one idea or single aspect should be discussed in the topic sentence. Similarly, concluding sentence is also essential part of paragraph which concludes whatever discussed in paragraphs. Furthermore, coherence is necessary in paragraph and by using connectors or transitional devices we can write a coherent paragraph. Because it connects one word to another word, sentence with another sentence and joins a paragraph with another paragraph. It all shows we are taking care of concept of coherence. Last thing beside coherence paragraph must be united. What is main technique to craft a good outline? Actually, there are many misconceptions regarding outline. Generally, brainstorming technique is used to make outline. In fact, by brainstorming we identify variables then we use branching technique and in the end we work upon variables because we know variables are the pillars on which we build our essay. That’s why identification of variables is vital for a good outline and it can only be done by brainstorming. Moreover, when we write this rough outline then it becomes a creative work done by us. Now we start using an organizational principle in which we pick out the most convincing points and leave least convincing points. Suppose, we have a topic “Poverty”, there are 10 to 12 causes of poverty but we choose the most convincing one then similarly effects of poverty and remedial measures to eradicate it. Theses are the three expected variables of “Poverty”. In the last step we put it on paper before starting essay, so this is our outline. In brief, outline is modified form of brainstorming. What should one do for grammatically error free writing? The best remedy is to write as much as you can. As somebody asked I want to learn swimming without water, it is impossible. Similarly, we can not write correctly until and unless we write or practice. Basically, we have to write sentence and for it we should have command on different sentence structures and types, e.g. Simple, Compound and complex sentences. Candidates must concentrate on Participles, Gerunds and Infinitives. Actually, synthesis tells us how we can write three sentences in one sentence. I think the practical approach towards grammar would be more helpful instead of memorizing or cramming grammatical definitions. What sort of written presentation an examiner wants to see especially of a 20 marks question? I think this is very important question and generally students face this problem which in fact makes them confuse. First and for most thing is to understand question or its statement and either it is a single question or involves 2 or3 parts. Before writing, I will strongly suggest that candidates should make or write a small outline of the answer, put headings and keeping in view the time of 30 minutes for each question. For instance, a question regarding “Lucknow Pact” and if it is asked what are the factors culminated “Lucknow Pact”. Now candidates should realize that examiner is not asking about importance of Lucknow Pact but specifically the factors which laid the foundations of Lucknow Pact. Always write specific answer and identify first what is asked then write. Sometimes, an easy question comes and candidates in the blow of emotions or excitement attempt it wrongly. For a good answer one must solve old question papers and draw small outline of question because it sets the scope of your answer and candidates can avoid distraction by this outline. Any Message Hard work Sincere effort and determination Balanced combination of subjects Good expression of English and grip on current affairs The most important is the prayers of your parents. Everyone who has done graduation must go for CSS at least to check their abilities and caliber. Noor Ahmad Somoon (CSP)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:50:13 +0000

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