In Hinduism there is a concept of Bhakti, which means all sorts of - TopicsExpress


In Hinduism there is a concept of Bhakti, which means all sorts of spiritual devotional exercises to realize, develop or cultivate within a human being the Love of God. The highest form of these exercises is Yoga to yoke the human with The One Divine. Bhakti is a monotheistic concept of God, and Monotheism simply means that the ONE 1 Divine God is only a Unique Special exclusive one-of-a-kind , strange, different from, and incomparable to and absolutely unlike any other (living or non living) thing or known or unknown ever. The pure divinity of God alone is the real divinity distinct and pure from anything else. The islamic Salaat nemaaz is a set of cyclical meditation-plus-prayer spiritual exercises which includes a lot more but in a repititive form. Salaat is about focus and concentration, seperating ourselves from all the Maya illusory temporary existence (for this world is Dukkha or suffering, impermanance, loss Khasaara, sadness, tragedy) and focussing ourselves towards Permanance and success in Life Hereafter. Salaat is also an exercise of how to subdue Desire, just like Buddha said, to end craving end desire. Plus Salaat is i think more
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 02:27:08 +0000

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