In Indian Cutlure...Why do we celebrate Ganesh - TopicsExpress


In Indian Cutlure...Why do we celebrate Ganesh chaturthi? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Indians, we are often asked how we worship an elephant-headed, pot-bellied, broken-tusked god who travels on a mouse. But as strange as it seems, every little peculiarity of Lord Ganeshas has a deep spiritual significance. As we go along in this article, we will look at the meaning of this symbolic representation of Lord Ganesha. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Symbolism behind Lord Ganeshas four hands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In his four hands, Lord Ganesha holds an axe, a rope, a modak (sweetened rice ball) and a lotus. The axe represents the annihilation of desire with the axe of spirituality. The rope is spiritual knowledge which helps us to remove ourselves from the samsara , material world, that we are entrenched in. The modak symbolises the happiness and joy a seeker derives from the spiritual pursuit. And the lotus stands for that Divine state of Self-Realisation that every human being aspires for, consciously or unconsciously. The lotus sustains itself in dirty ponds but yet is above it all. Similarly, a person of Perfection can live in the world, enjoy life and yet be above it all by identifying with the Self. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 15:47:57 +0000

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