In Left Unity the Scottish Republican YES Tendency has over sixty - TopicsExpress


In Left Unity the Scottish Republican YES Tendency has over sixty supporters, including Ken Loach who has given us the following statement (31 July 2014). For a few hours, Scottish people have control over their future. They can choose to keep that power or give it back to a state dominated by the British ruling class. Independence would not solve the problems but it would give Scottish people the power to start to create a more just, more fair, more sustainable society. When the Sandinistas in Nicaragua kicked out a dictator and began to build hospitals and schools and take industries into public ownership, they were opposed by the U.S. They were the ‘threat of a good example’. If Scotland leaves the UK, we in England will face a Tory majority. But if an independent Scotland is a success it can be, for us, the threat of a good example and show that a progressive government can improve lives now and make the future sustainable. A Scottish government that reproduces a pale version of Westminster politics will be a wasted opportunity. A Scottish government that puts the long term interests of the people first could move the centre of the political debate to the left and do us all a favour. The SRYT is a tendency of Left Unity members primarily concerned about the politics of the Scottish referendum. You can email the list at sryt@googlegroups
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 12:25:16 +0000

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