In a bit of a sulk this afternoon as events have conspired to make - TopicsExpress


In a bit of a sulk this afternoon as events have conspired to make it impossible for me to join my fellow fluffchuckers at Bruney Lagoon tomorrow. To cheer myself up I ran out to an unexplored (at least by me) stretch of stream for an hour of thrashing the water before night fell. After snatching a couple of tiddlers on an f-fly and getting stung on every exposed bit of flesh I moved on to a beautiful shallow pool where I could see a few reasonable chub darting around. After a few relatively decent casts I hooked a fish of an ounce which happily shot around in front of me. I suddenly spotted a dark shape chasing my fish around the shallows. As it got nearer I realised that it was a chunky chub of around 5 or 6 pounds. I hastily wound my tiddler in, released it and tied on a half-hog that I had knocked up earlier in the week. Two or three casts later I saw a large chub approach my fly before engulfing it with a swirl. At this point I became a nervous wreck and shakily fought the fish away from submerged branches, rushes and a number of other previously unseen snags. Finally the chub gave in and I was able to slip the net under it and get it on the bank. So, it wasnt the monster but still a reasonable fish and my first ever proper chub, caught on a homemade fly and a homemade rod. Needless to say, Ill be back there for a bit more pioneering very soon. Gotta love this fly for coarse lark eh? Apologies for the lousy photo, had to use my iPhone as my camera gave up the ghost at the moment I needed it most. Ah well.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:34:02 +0000

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