In a village near the German town of Nuremberg , in the fifteenth - TopicsExpress


In a village near the German town of Nuremberg , in the fifteenth century , lived a family of father, mother and eighteen children. So their material conditions were extremely difficult. But that did not prevent brothers الأكبرين the dream of was Araodahma ... فالاثنان talented at drawing , so a dream to join the study at the Academy of Arts in Nuremberg . It was a dream because they note that their father would not be able to take care Baanaajathma material time of the study . Finally, it reached a solution after long discussions extended to the early hours of the morning and for many days ... Be undertaken draw . Image: The Praying Hands, painting by Albret Durar image : hands Almsalitin - artist Albert Dorar of the Image: The Praying Hands, painting by Albret Durar Image hands Almsalitin - artist Albert Dorar of the The loser goes to work in the mines and provide expenses brother of the winner for a period of four years is a period of study at the academy . And then the other goes to study and take care of his brother to sell works of art or work in the mines if necessary . After Sunday Mass , conducted the draw , won by Albert Durer , and so he went to the academy , and the brother went to the mines to work there for four years . Since the beginning it was clear that Albert will have great significance in the art world , and when its the time of his graduation , his paintings and sculptures by generating income and Vera . Albert returned to his village after a 4 - year absence celebration formidable ; making him a great family feast . When finished food, stop Albert said : My dear brother , the Lord bless you and compensate for fatigue love me. Not for you, because you can never be studying at the academy. Now its your turn to go , I Satkvl your costs , I have a large income from the sale of paintings . Turned attention towards the waiting brother what he has to say . But he shook his head slowly and said: No , my brother , Im not able to go now. Look at my hands and I did them 4 years of work in the mines . ve Broken a lot of bones small . Not my brother , I do not appreciate constipation quill small and control of fine lines . One day, over Albert on his brothers room , and found him kneeling to pray and hands Amadmomtan ; Fastoagafh theorist and felt awe severe . Here, take the tools and drawing those hands, honor of love Albazlh the that does not think of herself . The painting is called hands , The world Vozhlh the drawing and painting renamed b hands Almsalitin . I ve passed on these events many years . And the work of this artist scattered in many museums , but most of us did not know of his work only this wonderful painting 0 The artist is Albert Diorr of Albrecht Dürer ( born in Germany 1471 - died 1528 ) , and the picture is The Praying Hands painted the year 1508. Divider The next time when you see this painting remember : every hand you a service provided , each hand sacrificed for your convenience , all hand made the same for you, and above all , remember my hands Lord Jesus Almtqhobtin , for you Turn off instant translat
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 07:32:10 +0000

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